Corruption Can’t Make Man Rich, Rev Amalambu Tells Believers
The General Overseer of Christ Generation Ministry Incorporated, Umuahia and Secretary, the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria, Abia State chapter, Rev. (Dr.) Blessed Amalambu has warned that involvement in corruption cannot prosper a man.
Amalambu stated this during an exclusive interview with, over the week, at his office, in Umuahia, Abia State capital, shortly after a 3 day prayer convention, an annual event of the church held in his church, with the theme: “Living in the Abundance of God’s Blessings”.
The renowned cleric known for his zero tolerance for corruption, urged Nigerian youths and indeed Christians to refrain from indulgence in any form of corruptible practices, stressing that God blesses every legitimate work of man.
He maintained that, rather than make a man prosperous and successful, wealth amassed through corruption jeopardises a man’s life thus making it miserable.
“Corruption cannot make any man rich, because the Bible says “a man’s life does not consist of the abundance of his wealth. So, when you get wealth that is not of God, that’s not legitimate, number one, you don’t have peace and because of that unpeaceful mind, you’re prone to develop sicknesses.
According to the revered cleric, who is also the Coordinator of National Volunteer Corp (NAVC) of Independent Corrupt Practices and other Related Offences Commission (ICPC), Abia State chapter, pleased with Christians and Nigerians in general to flee from corruption.
He, however, admitted to the extant famine, coupled with inflation that has been ravaging the nation, but insisted that embezzlement, kidnapping, killing, prostitution and all manners social vices would rather be detrimental to humanity than savage the poor situation.
He reiterated that giving into corruption in a bid to avert poverty ought not to be a believer’s last resort, hence total dependency and strict adherence to the principle of uprightness and integrity, he said would be only proper a man but also make him second to none when paced side-by-side other successful men.
“Thank you very much for this question, I think it is rapt and apt. So, from the Christian perspective and like in the conference, I used the opportunity to actually educate and caution our youths. Money is not everything and there’s no excuse whatsoever to indulge in corruption. And God says even in the book of Ephesians chapter 5 and I paraphrase: “let him who steals, steal no more. Let him engage himself in a noble work”. And that’s also what the Bible says in Ecclesiastics; “whatever your hands find doing, do it with all your might. So, I encourage the youths, no matter how minor your work is, according to the book of Malachi, it says do not despise the days of your little beginning.

“So, no matter how small it is, engage in a legitimate and noble work, a work that is legally acceptable in the society; not stealing, not to be involved in internet fraud, those ones are cursed wealth. No doubt, the devil can give you wealth but those wealth are accompanied by agonies and sorrows. Unlike according to the scripture, the blessings of the Lord makes a man rich and adds no sorrow.
However, when someone kills or kidnaps, does a ritual or sells human parts all in the name of internet fraud, you defraud people of their money and you say you are making wealth, it’s not a blessing from the Lord. And number one, there’s no peace for the wicked as stated in the Holy Bible. So, that wicked act is condemned holistically by God but he encourages us to lay our hands on a noble task or work and then trust him to prosper it.
“We’re trusting God for His grace by the Holy Ghost that will empower us to excel, prosper and flourish in all our endeavours as guided by the Holy Ghost.”
Amalambu posited that implored believers to depend solely on God, pointing out that God, in line with His word would, in return release onto mankind the reaches of the earth.
Speaking on the just concluded convention, he explained amidst intense joy that his choice for the theme, hence “Living in the Abundance of God’s Blessings” was borne out of the fact that God desired prosperity for His people.
Continuing, he said: “Having exerted so much energy during the Christmas and new year, we always gather our members for spiritual refreshment and also to realign them with God’s plan and purpose for us for the year. This is in line with the word of God where He said and I paraphrase: “they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength and having spent the year, we need to start the new year with vigour and God’s guidelines. And the theme of the programme was ‘Living in God’s Abundance’.
Yes, we chose that topic because it is the will of God that we live in His abundance of grace, righteousness, and our Master Jesus Christ while speaking in the book of John 10:10, says: “the thief cometh not but to steal, kill and destroy but I have come that you may have life and that you may have it more abundantly.
“So, we have to always converge to receive grace, strength and the power of the Holy Ghost to start the year so that we can run with speed and accuracy because the Holy Spirit will direct us and it was a very colourful event.
“Everything we do in the Christian faith is being guided by the scripture. I call it the scriptural foundation for the year and it was from where I drew the inspiration by the power of the Holy Ghost. And the scriptural reference was picked up from 2Corinthians chapter 9:6-8 where the Bible talks about making all grace abound towards His people.
In addition, he opined that “God is always ready to make grace abound for us this year 2025 regardless of the economy, but a Christian possesses dual citizenship; he is a Nigerian citizen as well as a heaven citizen. And our Lord Jesus taught us in the scripture to pray to our heavenly father, hence our father who is in heaven; give us this day, our daily bread.
“So, this simply means that God supplies our needs so correlating it with the book of Deuteronomy chapter 8:18. In that Bible passage, when Moses was talking to the children of Israelite, he reminded them not to think that it is their power, wisdom or strength that made them leave in abundance. This is because, God made a covenant with Abraham; covenant of blessing wherein he said: “in blessings, I’ll bless you and in multiplying, I’ll multiply you.
“Furthermore, he said: “so, in that book of Deuteronomy 8:18, Moses reminded them that “it is God that gives you the ability to make wealth. So, God gives one the ability which is exactly what Apostle Paul wrote in 2Cor. 9:8, “that God is able to make grace abound for you so that you will always have everything in abundance so that you will be able to provide for the good works of the gospel.” So, God needs to supply us. The Bible says that “it is God that gives seeds to the sower and bread to the eater and he’s able to make us abound in everything so that we’ll have sufficiency in everything”.
“Therefore, we’re really depending on God who gives us the ability, wisdom, grace to make wealth and in keeping the covenant He made with Abraham, he said; “I’ll bless you and make you a blessing so that all the families of the earth will be blessed through you.
“We who are the children of Abraham by faith in Christ Jesus according to the book of Galatians chapter 3: 13 which says and I quote: “Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse unto us by hanging on the cross so that we who believe can be partakers of Abraham’s blessings. So, that’s exactly what this year’s theme is about.
“We’re trusting God for His grace by the Holy Ghost that will empower us to excel, prosper and flourish in all our endeavours as guided by the Holy Ghost.”