Amechi Community exonerates Jim Nwobodo *Says we don’t have land dispute with Nwobodo. *Accuses dethroned Eze Okorie of fomenting crisis in families *Reaffairms Igwe Ngene’s enthronement

Mazi Ogbodo Okorie
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Amechi Community exonerates Jim Nwobodo
*Says we don’t have land issues with Nwobodo
*Accuses dethroned Eze Okorie of fomenting crisis in families
*Reaffairms Igwe Ngene’s enthronement

The people of Amechi Awkunanaw community in Enugu South Local Government Area of Enugu State, has unanimously debunked the rumoured involvement of former Sen. Jim Nwobodo in community land crisis, saying there is no existing land dispute between them and the latter.

While stating emphatically that the rumour is the handiwork of mischief makers, the people described Nwobodo as a People-Oriented leader, the community stressed that the former had rather contributed immensely to the growth and development of the community, having attracted and facilitated monumental projects, hence, is innocent of all allegations levelled against him.

“Senator Jim Nwobodo has not committed any offence against the Amechi Awkunanaw community. He’s good to his community, Amechi Awkunanaw. He has been actively supportive towards the growth of the community.”

The community, however, accused the dethroned king of the community, Mazi Anthony ogbodo Okorie of fomenting trouble across families, an act which according to them, prompted the impeachment of the latter.

This is contained in a statement tagged: “WHY OGBODO OKORIE (Former Igwe of Amechi Awkunanaw) and JOHN EGBO (former PG of Amechi Awkunanaw) CANNOT DENT THE GLORIOUS REPUTATION OF SEN. JIM IFEANYICHUKWU NWOBODO”, jointly signed by Chief Paul Agbo and Comrd. Emma Orji, Amechi Development Union (ADU) President general and secretary, respectively, and made available to, today, February 27, 2024.

The community, according to the statement, further accused the embattled traditional ruler of conniving with Mazi John Egbo, the former President general of Amechi Awkunanaw of deliberately making ridicule of the character of former Sen. Nwobodo before members of the right thinking society.

The release explained that the said land which was given to Sen. Jim Nwobodo by Amechi community in the year 1980 “had not been an issue against senator Jim Nwobodo up until in 2020 when Amechi Awkunanaw decided to conduct an election of the leadership of the community”, the release stated.

Meanwhile, according to the release, John Egbo who is perceived to be acting on personal vendetta against the former Senator, lost fame in the community consequent on his alleged falsified information, wherein he allegedly boasted that the community had reposed confidence in him, thus urging him to continue as the President general.

The release, which reaffirmed the victory of HRH IGWE JOHN OMEDEAKU NGENE, as the authentic and recognised traditional ruler of the community, urged the youths who are reportedly being deployed as thugs by the duo of Mazi Ogbodo Okorie and Mazi John Egbo to terrorise the community, to desist from the act otherwise face the wrath of the law.

The statement read in detail:


We have gone through the series of media write ups sponsored by OGBODO okorie (Former Igwe of Amechi Awkunanaw) and John Egbo (Former PG of Amechi Awkunanaw) against Senator Jim Nwobodo and found out that there were all false and were only trying to dent his glorious earned reputation simply for their selfish benefits.

Nothing short of that.

Senator Jim Nwobodo has not committed any offence against the Amechi Awkunanaw community. He’s good to his community, Amechi Awkunanaw. He has been actively supportive towards the growth of the community. He has attracted and facilitated the execution of a lot to project in the community and has always relentlessly protected OGBODO Okorie despite the odds.

When a woman discharged John Egbo from his work (as a commissioner in Enugu State), Sen. Jim Nwobodo gave him a job at ESUT as a Board member just for his soft landing.

Sen. Jim Nwobodo’s purported crime against this set of ungrateful people is that he refused to cover their atrocities in Amechi Awkunanaw community. That sen. Jim Nwobodo did not make him the Chairman of Enugu South LGA. That’s why he has been carrying out this campaign of calumny against His Excellency, (DR.) SEN. Jim Nwobodo.

That’s all.

This set of people have been with His Excellency, Sen. Jim Nwobodo, and have regrettably, been benefiting and intimidating other people in Amechi Awkunanaw community.

The land given to Sen. Jim Nwobodo by Amechi community in 1980 had not been an issue against senator Jim Nwobodo up until in 2020 when Amechi Awkunanaw decided to conduct an election of the leadership of the community.

John Egbo who was the then President-general (PG), has not lost popularity in the community. However, his wicked became glaring following his statement that the Amechi community had passed a vote of confidence on him to continue as the PG of the community. This falsified statement did not go down well with the Amechi community, as they unanimously and unhesitatingly kicked against it, and insisted that election must be conducted and when he, John Egbo couldn’t secure sen. Jim Nwobodo’s cover, then he resorted to his extant campaign of calumny against him

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As long as Amechi Awkunanaw is concerned, we don’t have any land issues with Sen. Jim Nwobodo.

Let no one be deceived.

Below are some of Ogbodo Okorie’s misconducts which led to his dethronement:

  1. Amechi Awkunanaw people know how many PGs Mazi Ogbodo okorie has dragged through the mud in Amechi Awkunanaw because he assumed that he was unremovable.
  2. Amechi Awkunanaw has no record of peace which he brought to any family in Amechi rather he has been fomenting crisis in so many families including his own immediate family, Umuedeani.
  3. Ogbodo Okorie was the only Igwe who collected development levy of the community with his printed receipt Igwe in council a sole responsibility of the town union government and still he did nothing with the money to show for it, not even a single project with the money.
  4. OGBODO Okorie converted and sold UMODE family land at Emeka Ebiila.
  5. OGBODO Okorie confiscated a whopping sum of 25milion naira given to the community by MFM church being a compensation fee to the family.
  6. OGBODO okorie created the existing problem in Umuonu family today.
  7. OGBODO Okorie almost made the family of his late elder brother useless.
  8. OGBODO Okorie had made so many attempts to sell his family land at Ayo River Agbani road.
  9. OGBODO Okorie supported Ikechukwu Edeh in selling his family land at Notre Dame because he gives him commission and other nefarious activities he engaged in.
  10. OGBODO Okorie and John Egbo sold 197 plots of Amechi Awkunanaw land at ikiriki axis.
  11. OGBODO Okorie and John Egbo gave the whole families in Amechi Awkunanaw fake allocation of landed property at ikiriki axis whilst they have already sold them off. No family knows where those lands are till date.
  12. OGBODO okorie and John Egbo had sponsored so many attacks on some Amechi youths with their recruited militants. And the case is still pending in court.
  13. OGBODO Okorie and John Egbo sponsored and created a parallel government in his compound, in Amechi community against the general assembly of Amechi Awkunanaw.

So, Ogbodo Okorie’s dethronement followed due process and it will interest all to know that he was purely dethroned by the general assembly of Amechi Awkunanaw because of his wicked conducts in Amechi community in their town hall meeting.

The people of Amechi Awkunanaw that made him Igwe and presented him to the government of Enugu state for recognition have equally come together at their town hall and stated all his wicked conducts in the community, dethroned him and written to the state government to equally follow suit.

And the state government, after setting up a panel of inquiry to investigate the wicked conducts leveled against him, they invited him (OGBODO okorie and John Egbo) but they didn’t respond to the invitation rather he charged government to court and in his usual way snubbed government Authority.

Consequently, the government had no option than to uphold the wishes of the people of Amechi Awkunanaw by suspending him, withdrew his certificate of recognition and staff of office.

The same community members came together on the 17 February, 2024 at their town hall meeting after some years without Igwe and democratically (option A4) elected another IGWE in the person of HRH IGWE JOHN OMEDEAKU NGENE since they cannot continue without Igwe in their community.

And that’s final because the people of Amechi Awkunanaw have spoken in their numbers, at their constitutional designated town hall in the presence of the Enugu state Ministry of Chieftaincy matters and the Commissioner was present (Deacon Okey OGBODO) to observe himself.

And the winner HRH IGWE JOHN OMEDEAKU NGENE had been since after the election presented with the satisfactory letter of recognition by the Enugu South LGA authority.

At this juncture, Amechi Awkunanaw is warning those newly recruited persons by OGBODO Okorie and John Egbo to cause problems in Amechi Awkunanaw to desist from being used as thugs to bring problem in Amechi Awkunanaw community to avoid regrets.

I have gone through the series of media write ups sponsored by OGBODO okorie (Former Igwe of Amechi Awkunanaw) and John Egbo (Former PG of Amechi Awkunanaw) against Senator Jim Nwobodo and found out that there were all false and were only trying to dent his glorious earned reputation simply for their selfish benefits.

Nothing short of that.

Senator Jim Nwobodo has not committed any offence against Amechi Awkunanaw community. He’s good to his community, Amechi Awkunanaw. He has been actively supportive towards the growth of the community. He has facilitated the execution of a lot to project in the community and has always relentlessly protected OGBODO Okorie despite the odds.

When a woman discharged John Egbo from his work (as a commissioner in Enugu State), Sen. Jim Nwobodo gave him a job at ESUT as a Board member just for his soft landing.

Sen. Jim Nwobodo’s purported crime against these set of ungrateful people is that he refused to cover their atrocities in Amechi Awkunanaw community. That sen. Jim Nwobodo did not make him the Chairman of Enugu South LGA. That’s why he has been carrying out this campaign of calumny against His Excellency, (DR.) SEN. Jim Nwobodo.

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That’s all.

This set of people had been with HE sen. Jim Nwobodo, and have regrettably, been benefiting and intimidating other people in Amechi Awkunanaw community.

The land given to sen. Jim Nwobodo by Amechi community in 1980 had not been an issue against senator Jim Nwobodo up until in 2020 when Amechi Awkunanaw decided to conduct an election of the leadership of the community.

John Egbo who was the then President-general (PG), had not lost popularity in the community. However, his wicked became glaring following his statement that the Amechi community had passed a vote of confidence on him to continue as the PG of the community. This falsified statement did not go down well with the Amechi community, as they unanimously and unhesitatingly kicked against it, and insisted that election must be conducted and when he, John Egbo couldn’t secure sen. Jim Nwobodo’s cover, then he resorted to his extant campaign of calumny against him

As long as Amechi Awkunanaw is concerned, we don’t have any land issues with Sen. Jim Nwobodo.

Let no one be deceived.

Below are some of OGBODO Okorie’s misconducts which led to his dethronement:

  1. Amechi Awkunanaw people know how many PGs OGBODO okorie had dragged through the mud in Amechi Awkunanaw because assumed that he was unremovable.
  2. Amechi Awkunanaw has no record of peace which he brought to any family in Amechi rather he has been fomenting crisis in so many families including his own immediate family, umuedeani.
  3. OGBODO Okorie was the only Igwe who collected development levy of the community with his printed receipt Igwe in council a sole responsibility of the town union government and still he did nothing with the money to show for it, not even a single project with the money.
  4. OGBODO Okorie converted and sold UMODE family land at Emeka Ebiila.
  5. OGBODO Okorie confiscated a whopping sum of 25milion naira given to the community by MFM church being a compensation fee to the family.
  6. OGBODO okorie created the existing problem in Umuonu family today.
  7. OGBODO Okorie almost made the family of his late elder brother useless useless
  8. OGBODO Okorie had made so many attempts to sell his family land at Ayo River Agbani road.
  9. OGBODO Okorie supported Ikechukwu Edeh in selling his family land at Notre Dame because he gives him commission and other nefarious activities he engaged in.
  10. OGBODO Okorie and John Egbo sold 197 plots of Amechi Awkunanaw land at ikiriki axis.
  11. OGBODO Okorie and John Egbo gave the whole families in Amechi Awkunanaw fake allocation of landed property at ikiriki axis whilst they have already sold them off. No family knows where those lands are till date.
  12. OGBODO okorie and John Egbo had sponsored so many attacks on some Amechi youths with their recruited militants. And the case is still pending in court.
  13. OGBODO Okorie and John Egbo sponsored and created a parallel government in his compound, in Amechi community against the general assembly of Amechi Awkunanaw.

So, Ogbodo Okorie’s dethronement followed due process and it will interest all to know that he was purely dethroned by the general assembly of Amechi Awkunanaw because of his wicked conducts in Amechi community in their town hall meeting.

The people of Amechi Awkunanaw that made him Igwe and presented him to the government of Enugu state for recognition have equally come together at their town hall and stated all his wicked conducts in the community, dethroned him and written to the state government to equally follow suit.

And the state government, after setting up a panel of inquiry to investigate the wicked conducts leveled against him, they invited him (OGBODO okorie and John Egbo) but they didn’t respond to the invitation rather he charged government to court and in his usual way snubbed government Authority.

Consequently, the government had no option than to uphold the wishes of the people of Amechi Awkunanaw by suspending him, withdrew his certificate of recognition and staff of office.

The same community members came together on the 17 February, 2024 at their town hall meeting after some years without Igwe and democratically (option A4) elected another IGWE in the person of HRH IGWE JOHN OMEDEAKU NGENE since they cannot continue without Igwe in their community.

And that’s final because the people of Amechi Awkunanaw have spoken in their numbers, at their constitutional designated town hall in the presence of the Enugu state Ministry of Chieftaincy matters and the Commissioner was present (Deacon Okey OGBODO) to observe himself.

And the winner HRH IGWE JOHN OMEDEAKU NGENE had been since after the election presented with the satisfactory letter of recognition by the Enugu South LGA authority.

At this juncture, Amechi Awkunanaw is warning those newly recruited persons by OGBODO Okorie and John Egbo to cause problems in Amechi Awkunanaw to desist from being used as thugs to bring problems in the Amechi Awkunanaw community to avoid regrets.



*Chief Paul Agbo, President general, ADU;
*Comrd. Emma Orji, ADU.


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