Abia House Of Assembly 2023: Why Ikwuano Needs Hon.E.C.Lan Anyaragbu For Ikwuano State Constituency

Hon. Wisdom Lan E.C. Anyaragbu
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Abia House Of Assembly 2023: Why Ikwuano Needs Hon.E.C.Lan Anyaragbu For Ikwuano State Constituency







Greetings And Godspeed, Ndi Ikwuano.

With joy in my heart and humility to serve our people


I Hon. Wisdom Lan.E.C.Anyaragbu Salute All Son And Daughters Of


I Welcome You All.


The quest to experience a better cosmopolis, unique and suitable for foreign investments to thrive and visible community development projects in structures and institutions can be possible and achieved, only if we, “the good people of Ikwuano” are determined to take the bold step in eschewing sentiment and bias while we cast our votes in the forthcoming general elections in 2023 for the state House of Assembly, Ikwuano State Constituency.


I, remain Hon.Wisdom.E.C.Lan, from Umuariaga Awom la Ebo Autonomous Community, Oboro, Ikwuano LGA, with humility and fear of God, offer my humble self for service to the good people of Ikwuano as Member of Abia State House Of Assembly, Ikwuano State Constituency, at the forthcoming general election scheduled to take place in February 2023.


Ikwuano, an agrarian local government located in Abia Central Senatorial District of Abia State, since the inception of democratic government in Nigeria from 1999 to date, though have been represented by our illustrious sons at the State House Of Assembly, has been lacking behind in the quality of representation, which had, in turn, resulted in the overall underdevelopment witnessed in our society both in the human capacity as in Job Placements and Appointment with regards to Federal and State Character; basic infrastructures and social amenities needed to enhance the quality of life in society; economic and political emancipation of our people more especially women and youths. e.t.c.


We have not witnessed and benefitted a fair share from those who, we have elected in the past as representatives in the State House Of Assembly.

The qualitative representation needed to drive and speed up development over the years has lacking.


Due to this aforementioned, Ikwuano deserves better representation, especially in the state constituency. Hence, my resolve to throw in my weight to contest for the Member to represent Ikwuano in the Abia State House Of Assembly under the platform of the Action Peoples Party (APP), a party geared towards human capacity development; economic empowerment; social and political emancipation of our state in general.


I am well aware of the legislative business and process, which has to do with advocacy, and as an advocate, if given the opportunity, I will strive to give the people of Ikwuano qualitative representation.

As a lawmaker; there are three major areas, which is expected, namely;



2-Over-Sight Functions and

3-Constituency development/Intervention/Project Sponsoring/Execution e.t.c.


In the area of lawmaking, I will in no small measure contribute meaningfully in many ways to speed up the Ikwuano development agenda which will include;


1- Move and Sponsor a motion urging the State Government to uphold and implement the tradition of ethics and privilege of Federal and State Character with regards to projects and contract awards, job placements/appointments in state ministries, departments, and agencies, with Ikwuano indigenes into consideration.


2- Move and Sponsor a motion urging the State Government to as a matter of urgency, compel the institutions of higher learning such as Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike and National Root Crops Research Institute, and other federal government ministries/agencies/departments and parastatals, to compulsorily uphold and implement the job placement quota system with indigenes of Ikwuano, more especially host communities, obtaining the mandatory 60% percentile for both the junior cadre from grade levels 1-6 and level 7 and above for senior cadre in that establishment, as it will address marginalization and alleviate the suffering of the people.

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3- Move and Sponsor a motion urging the various government to compel institutions to also uphold and implement the contract award system to give the indigenes of Ikwuano at least 60% percent of contract awards/ projects.

4- Move and Sponsor a motion urging various institutions of government at all levels located, within Ikwuano to implement the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which is part of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), signed with their host communities in the areas of sponsoring scholarship programs for indigent students; building and equipping of health facilities; building and equipping of skills acquisition centers; training and retraining of indigenes in various aspects of human endeavors, various intervention projects; socio-economic intervention programs to uplift and enhance good life.


5- Move and Sponsor a motion compelling the state government to sight and execute at least one intervention project in Ikwuano at every state executive council meeting in every year’s budget.


6- Move and Sponsor a motion persuading the state government to always include Ikwuano in the affairs of the state, ranging from projects, job placements, programs of government e.t.c.


7- Move and Sponsor a motion urging the federal government to as a matter of national importance, design and implement a roadmap for resolving the boundary dispute between the Usaka-Eleogu community of Ikwuano LGA, Abia State, and Nkari community of Ini LGA, Akwa-Ibom State, to find a lasting solution to the lingering land dispute threatening peace and development of the environment.


8- Move and Sponsor a motion urging the federal government to complete all road projects, especially the Ikot-Ekpene-Umuahia road, linking Ikwuano and Akwa-Ibom State. A road that is in a deplorable state, undermining the free flow of movement, thereby affecting transportation and affecting the revenue generation drive of the state.


With consideration to Over-Sight Function, which is part of legislative business.


As a legislator, part of representation is very essential to ensure the implementation of various government programs leading to efficient service delivery.


1- I will ensure that the various government intervention programs and projects, from different ministries, departments, agencies, and parastatals will be undertaken, properly monitored, and supervised to eliminate bias and non-completion and implemented within the duration of such programs and projects.


2- I will ensure that Ikwuano sons and daughters of capacity with the prerequisite qualifications are given the opportunity in various ministries, departments, agencies, and parastatals, to supervise, monitor, and ensure full implementation of government programs and projects.


3- I will use my position as a Member Of the Abia State House Of Assembly to ensure that Ikwuano indigenes in all ministries, departments, agencies, and parastatals; are given their due promotions, and required job placement positions about their capacity and competence; ensure that all benefits and entitlement accrued to various positions with regards to Ikwuano indigenes are paid to them with immediate effect.

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4- I will ensure that Ikwuano indigenes, who were awarded contracts are paid as and when due using my office as a point of contact.


5-I will ensure a regular town hall meeting every month to update the good people of Ikwuano on the recent development so far with our achievement and commitment towards a greater society with various government intervention programs and projects geared towards the upliftment of Ikwuano State Constituency.


Constituency Development/Intervention/Project Sponsoring and Execution.


I shall be resolute to contribute to infrastructural development and social amenities for the good people of Ikwuano, which will lead to our economic, and social development; youth and women empowerment.


My four years of sojourn if elected as a Member of the State House of Assembly will witness unprecedented and robust intervention programs and projects spread across the 4 clans of Ikwuano and the 57 communities embedded in the local government.


1- Within 4 years, I will sponsor, attract, sight, and execute one meaningful project, each to the 57 communities, ie 57 projects in Ikwuano LGA.

Hon. Wisdom Lan E.C Anyaragbu
Hon. Wisdom Lan E.C Anyaragbu

2- I will liaise with market unions, various youth organs of each village/community, Ndi Eze, and major stakeholders to ensure full participation, implementation, and execution of various projects/intervention programs of which, I will sponsor, attract and execute.


3- I will partner with various government agencies, departments, and parastatals; International Donor Organizations like the Work Bank, European Union, and Non-Profit Organizations; to attract various programs and projects ranging from Agricultural; Educational; Health-Related intervention programs; Skills -Acquisition programs for both the youths and women; Environmental and Ecological intervention programs; to cut across the 57 communities that make-up Ikwuano, making sure that no one clan or community will be marginalized or not carried along in my resolve for a greater Ikwuano.


With all these aforementioned developmental strategies of mine, I, therefore, call on the good people of Ikwuano to remove sentiment and bias and vote I, Hon. Wisdom E.C.Lan Anyaragbu, as Member of Abia State House Of Assembly, Ikwuano State Constituency, under the platform of Action Peoples Party (APP) at the forthcoming general election.


A vote for Hon. Wisdom E.C.Lan Anyaragbu is a vote for competence and capacity to perform.


A vote for Hon. Wisdom E.C.Lan Anyaragbu is a vote for setting Ikwuano State Constituency on a high pedestal in Abia State and Nigeria as a whole.


A vote for Hon Wisdom E.C.Lan is a vote for youth and women empowerment, human capacity building, and development.


A vote for Hon Wisdom E.C Lan is a vote for the elimination of all forms of discrimination amongst the 4 clans of Oboro; Ariam-Usaka; Oloko, and Ibere clans, that make up Ikwuano LGA.


Vote Hon. Wisdom E.C. Lan Anyaragbu, for Ikwuano State Constituency, Abia State House Of Assembly.


Vote for the Action Peoples Party (APP).

Vote to take back Ikwuano State Constituency.

Do not sell your votes, Be wise; Rise to the challenge.wi


Take the bold step to make Ikwuano State Constituency great~Maka O di Nma Ikwuano.




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