THE MAN COMRADE OSINACHI NWAKA: A Philanthropic Visionary and Community Builder (VOLUME -1)*Mind-blowing facts you might not know about Ossy Nwaka
Indisputable remains the fact that the arrival of Comrd. Osinachi Nwaka is as the Transition Chairman of Ikwuano Local Government Area is apt and long awaited. Speaking from the angle of a soil of the soil, I want to state emphatically and without mincing words that, Comrd. Ossy Nwaka is an answered prayer of the people of Ikwuano Local Government Area. As a vibrant youth, Ossy Nwaka is obviously set to perform the long desired overhauling of the entire council. However, in a fraction of time, and just like a twinkle twinkle of an eye, the entire clans of Ikwuano…