ICT training programme

Jubilation, as Mayor of Port Harcourt City, Hon. Ihunda embarks on massive youths Empowerment

Jubilation, as Mayor of Port Harcourt City, Hon. Ihunda embarks on massive youths Empowerment

Jubilation, as Mayor of Port Harcourt City, Hon. Ihunda embarks on massive youths Empowerment In a bid to alleviate poverty among the youths of Port Harcourt City Local Government Area of Rivers State, the Mayor of the City, Hon. Allwell Ihunda has vowed to bring to fulfilment, his electioneering promises through the provision of massive skills acquisition. Beneficiaries of ICT training programme of the Mayor of Port Harcourt City LGA Hon. Allwell Ihunda, acquiring knowledge in a conducive environment. Famousreporters.com gathered that the Council Boss has ever since his emergence in office, left no stone unturned in his zeal to…
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