
UPDATE: Police unmask identities of killers of 3 siblings stuffed inside freezer

UPDATE: Police unmask identities of killers of 3 siblings stuffed inside freezer

UPDATE: Police unmask identities of killers of 3 siblings stuffed inside freezer The new Commissioner of Police in Anambra State, Mr. Livingstone Urutugu, has disclosed the identities of the virtuous murdererb of three siblings found stuffed inside a refrigerator in Nnewi, Anambra State. Earlier, Famousreporters.com reports that the trio of Ejezie Chikaima Daviana, Ejezie Chimziterem Dominica and Ejezie Chimdilim David (the only son), aged 9, 7 and 5, respectively, were murdered in cold blood by a suspected vicious killer. Urutugu, while on a visit to the bereaved family, posited that the killers were members of the neighbourhood. Speaking amidst indignation,…
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UPDATE: UPDATE: Mother of three Anambra kids killed, stored in freezer shares story

UPDATE: UPDATE: Mother of three Anambra kids killed, stored in freezer shares story

UPDATE: Mother of three Anambra kids killed, stored in freezer share story "I saw my children's corpses freezer", the devastated mother of three innocent children who were brutally murdered by some unknown assassins wail in grief. The mother of the three children, Ejezie Chikaima Daviana, Ejezie Chimziterem Dominica and Ejezie Chimdilim David (the only son) whose lifeless bodies were found in a freezer following a suspected homicide has come out to narrate her ordeal. Earlier, Famousreporters.com reports that the trio of Ejezie Chikaima Daviana, Ejezie Chimziterem Dominica and Ejezie Chimdilim David (the only son), aged 9, 7 and 5, respectively,…
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Three siblings Murdered in cold blood, stored in deep freezer in Anambra

Three siblings Murdered in cold blood, stored in deep freezer in Anambra

Three siblings k!lled, stored in deep freezer in Anambra It was a tumultuous moment in Nnenwi, as the lifeless bodies of three siblings were discovered in a deep freezer in Nnewichi, Nnewi, Anambra state, by a yet to be ascertained assailants. The trio of Ejezie Chikaima Daviana, Ejezie Chimziterem Dominica and Ejezie Chimdilim David (the only son), aged 9, 7 and 5, respectively, were murdered in cold blood by a suspected vicuous killer. Reportedly, their mother, Mrs Chikazor Ejezie, a lecturer and a nurse, left home to partake in an examination on the fateful day oblivious of what tragedy would…
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