Nigerian Navy Onne Under fire, Violates Court Order, Vandalizes Individual Vessels
As hot as the nation is becoming daily some security officials are not helping matters as they don’t seem to bother, all that they do is to pure fuel to the already burning fire, through the outright violation of constitutional and court order.
The Vessel in question here is ANINO. Now, ANINO is the name of the Oil Tanker Vessel belonging to a Company named Dóhwell SHADETS NIG LTD and Guinegulf Energy & Logistics LTD.

The Vessel was arrested and detained since 2017 by Navy without any reason , the owners went to court to rescue tbeir vessel. After exercising patients and losing investments the court released it in a case presided by Justice Omotosho of the Federal High Court Port Harcourt,, on 15th April 2019 ,
While the owners were perfecting the court order and on the Process to take over their vessel through due process.
One Otaro , Mr. Eugene Meaba, Popnen Barigbo, Nkiri Daniel and Chika of Civil Defense, from Rivers Civil Defense State Commands collided with some Nigerian Navy NNS Pathfinder to not only violate the court order, they went as far forging documents of the Federal High Court, and using it to obtain the Naval Headquarters approval to remove the Vessel away from Her position at Onne Port and started vandalizing it.

It will interest you to know that this disobedience to a court order happened in collaboration with the Nigeria Naval Port Commandant under the rank of Lt Commander whose name and contact has been made known to the higher authorities.
The Naval authority should know him since he serves under the watch of NNS Pathfinder Commanding office and Chief Of Naval staff and used his official position to forge documents used in vandalizing the MT ANINO in order to conceal the truth and the evidence before the petition which was served on them gets attention.
Before now, the bad eggs in the Navy had aided the same bad gang to vandalize the internal mechanism of the vessel like the rudder, electrical cables and tried to sink the vessel , but what saved the day was when the owner raised alarm to Civil defence, they now took him to the Vessel, which he spent so much money in salvaging before these set of people re- enforce hurriedly start turning it into scrap before his request to the NHQ Naval headquarters will get required Attention

Learning about his petition to the Naval headquarters they threatened to use their military power to arrest and detain him just to silence the truth by tagging him names. It simply means that this is not the first time that some bad elements within the Nigerian Navy are colluding with some miscreants and impostors who parade themselves as NIWA officials to steal people’s vessels.
Attached are some verifiable documents to back up the investigation with several others at our disposal.