Ndi Enugu, Let’s Elect Our Next Governor Without Prejudices

Peter Mbah
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Ndi Enugu, Let’s Elect Our Next Governor Without Prejudices op

Enugu State, OBIDIENTS have done their primary duty which was to vote for the best candidate in the last presidential election. We voted massively for Peter Obi because of his competencies, skills, personality, and merit, these are the measures by which Obidients support each candidate, anything short of that, Obidients will not support and will not be part of it.

Obidient is not a political party.
Obidients vote only for competencies.
Obidients is not Labour Party

The difference between Chimaroke Nnamani. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi. Edeoga, other candidates, and Peter Mba are very clear. Peter Mba is a stand-out, shining armor. He is miles away from the rest of them. He is a good administrator and manager of resources. PETER Mba. is result-driven and Enugu will be blessed to have him or vice versa and will regret if they miss the opportunity.

Given the challenges facing Ndi Enugu state today, we need to look beyond the party line and make informed decisions to choose who has what it takes to bring out the potential so far hidden in the state.

Let’s look at the man Peter Mba. Yes, he has worked with past governments, just like every other candidate. But he is a unique gentleman of excellence who goes about going his best the best way he can without hurting any person. He is the only candidate among them who believes in investment. who believes in creating jobs, and who believes in sustainability.
Peter will not be controlled by Ugwuanyi or Chimaroke, he has a mind of his own and respects Chimaroke Nnamani just like he respects every other citizen of Enugu state and appreciates Chimaroke Nnamani for allowing him to serve Enugu State just as the same opportunity was given to hundred others, but he is not Chimaroke Nnamani, he is Peter Mba, a fact that can be testified by anybody who ever comes in contact with him. He is not judging Chimaroke Nnamani but just stating the fact. He will not be influenced to act or do anything different from who he is.

Ugwuanyi: the difference between Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi and Peter Mba is obvious. Peter’s management style is people-oriented short-term and long-term planning that will benefit us today and the generation to come. He has the antidote to transform our dear Enugu state into a modern state, first solving today’s problems ranging from water scarcity to unemployment, social benefits to our elderly, and greater opportunities for our children. He will improve our educational system, and modern infrastructures will be put in place. The industrialization of Enugu state will attract direct foreign investment and tourism to generate revenues. Peter Mba has done most of these as a private person therefore his shot at the governorship position will not be an experiment. It is time to act.

Contrary to what cabals want you to believe. Peter Mba is the only independent candidate. Financially, he is not tied to any godfathers, he has no pre-agreement with any person(s) on how to share the wealth of Enugu state if he becomes the governor because he is financing his campaign personally.
Yes! People from all corners of the state are supporting him. His only promise to everyone is that he will change the fate of Enugu for good. He is going to build Enugu State that the coming generation will be proud of and people from all over the world will want to visit time and again. He will bring security that the state has never experienced before and he is poised to make Enugu State the best state in Nigeria. Peter Mba is not boasting about it, only giving assurances of his goodwill to the people. This is what he has done as a businessman with his limited resources, he will build fortunes as a governor, and with the current challenges facing Enugu state today, he will be the right man to turn it around.


Chijioke Edeoga is Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi’s first cousin, they share the same grandmother. Ugwuanyi’s mother and Chijioke’s mother are maternal relatives. Is Enugu state so small that we can allow such to happen? We have seen how Ugwuanyi managed our state, his cousin will not be different.

Edeoga is an integral part of the Ugwuanyi government, nobody can deny that. It is believed that Edeoga made the calls in the Ugwuanyi government and it is also believed that Ugwuanyi planted Edeoga in the Labour Party when a better candidate in PDP wouldn’t let them succeed in forcing him on the party.
Edeoga is Ugwuanyi’s duplicate and lacks the capabilities to be the governor of Enugu state. Edeoga served as commissioner in different capacities under Ugwuanyi with zero achievements.

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Under Edeoga as commissioner of environment, Enugu state turned into the dirtiest city from 042 cities that people praised and want to visit because it is the cleanest state which Enugu enjoyed for over a century to a sorry state. I wonder what Edeoga will turn Enugu into if he mistakenly becomes the governor.
If Edeoga becomes governor of Enugu state..who among the godfathers will be in charge since he is being sponsored by several of them? We need to stop this ugly trend. We need an independent mind
Erdogan has represented Enugu state for over 16 years. A wasted opportunity for Ndi Enugu.

4 years in the house of representatives. Zero achievement

8 years as commissioner in different capacities under Ugwuanyi with zero achievements. He was a special adviser to get another disappointment. Edeoga is a disaster waiting to happen which every reasonable Enugu son and daughter must avoid.


You heard Aisha Yusuf the true face of Obidients condemn Edeoga. it is a known fact among the inner hierarchy of the Obidient Family and top Labor Party executives that Edeoga is not Obidient and does not possess the minimum criteria or quality to be considered one. If not, Aisha Yusuf will not come out in the open to declare him not obedient.
The Obedients’ minimal requirement is the ability to deliver the dividend of democracy. Edeoga has failed to deliver each time he was given the opportunity, their biggest fear over Edeoga is that he will dent the good image of Obidients if elected governor of Enugu state which will, in turn, affect obidients in the next elections. Therefore Edeoga must be avoided at all cost

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As the race for the heart of coal city draws near and permutations are ripe as to who will be the right man to steer the affairs of the pride of Igbo land out of the murky water of mediocrity and underdevelopment occasioned by clueless leadership that has bedeviled her for over a decade, it is sacrosanct that attention must be paid to certain realities beyond sentiments and the people must be alert to the games being played by naysayers to cling unto power through deception and willing stooges.

We will like to bring to ndi Enugu’s attention how we can approach the coming election. To impact the positive change we need very much at this point when the fate of Enugu state is gradually getting out of our hands toward the manipulative hands of cabals and Ugwuanyi as a major actor in the plot who is bent on taking undeserved advantage of the poor recent management of the current governor, Pretending to forget Edeoga’s roles in the calamitous government of Ugwuanyi while they are trying to install Edeoga as their stooge to continue emptying state treasures.

We can not allow Edeoga to be forced on us through the back door. We are wiser than that. Erdogan has shown us the leader he is by how he managed his ministry as commissioner of the environment, we have seen his kind of leadership. This is a mistake to avoid. Edeoga is not Obidient and not an option.

At this point. What Enugu State needs is the best candidate to steer the economic development of the state to a level where we can compete with the very best out there. Given the competitive advantage available to Enugu state. We can not afford to go the Ugwuanyi route again. We can do far better than where we are now. We can compete with Lagos state head-on if we elect a governor without sentiment but based on competencies, a man who is more qualified to lead the state out of the mess we found ourselves in is Peter Mba.

I believe in obidients. I believe in the movement and its principles to elect the best candidate based on competencies, personality, and merit. I believe each candidate should be evaluated. I believe each candidate should be judged on how they handled their last assignment in the Enugu state and the recorded results. I believe we should look deep into each candidate’s personal business management and success rate. to accurately assume how they can manage the affair of the Enugu state.


Obidient is a movement to make sure the best candidate emerged in every level of government to ensure that the dividend of democracy is delivered. Obidient is a movement to keep incompetence far from the corridors of power. Among all the contestants.. they are more qualified to create jobs and reduce unemployment in Enugu state drastically than Peter Mba. Among them who is more equipped to attract more foreign investments in the Enugu state and South East than Peter Mba. none.

From every indication, putting all ramifications into consideration, Mr. Peter Mba is the best candidate out there, but Ugwuanyi’s poor performance in the state for 8 years has affected the mindset of Enugu citizens very negatively, thereby casting aspersions on the competencies of the PDP Candidate at a time there is hope to take Enugu State out of the mess she found herself in. I can therefore submit that this mindset is erroneous because the Labour Party does not make a bad candidate good, or make a stooge be in charge, This is what we seek to avoid, a time bomb ready to explode at any wrong move. Edeoga is not an option. Edeoga is Ugwuanyi duplicate and lacks the capabilities to be the governor of Enugu state

Dear brothers and sisters. We have addressed these with the primary aim of changing the wrong perception and narrative of Peter Mba. Judge for yourself. For the interest of the state. For the next generation. For posterity.

This is how we can change the narratives.

Let us take a moment to look at some of the concerns of Ndi Enugu and the difference Peter Mba will bring to help us make informed decisions about the gubernatorial election.
There is no way any reasonable person can imagine that Peter Mba’s government will look anything like Ugwuanyi’s poor management of the state funds. Infrastructure etc. differences between the two are very clear. Peter Mba has Outlined how he is going to govern Enugu State. He has shown Ndi Enugu what they stand to gain if he is elected governor of the state. He is ready to address anybody who needs more clarification. He is always reachable.

Peter Mba has stated the distinctive differences, albeit, His plans for Ndi Enugu. Short terms and long terms. His ability to deliver is never in doubt.

1. Peter Mba is goal oriented. We all know that. He will not stop at anything till Enugu State becomes what Michael Okpara designated Enugu State to be.

2. Future planning oriented. He has shown his competencies and skills that he can reposition Enugu State to be a major actor in the new Nigeria the Obidients want. Peter Mba is Obidient.

3. It is obvious, Peter Mba is not coming to the government house to make money but to correct what mistakes that were made in the past. Especially this recent government.

4. Peter Mba Acknowledged the challenges of Ndi Enugu state ranging from unemployment and underemployment to a lack of industries. Insecurity. etc. And promised to turn it around..he has the technical know-how and can do it.

5. Promise to stop poor management of the state funds and elimination of corruption.

We are asking Ndi Enugu to evaluate the candidacy of Peter Mba and weigh the odds against other candidates one-on-one and make an objective choice to save the state from further decline.
Ndi Enugu should ask questions from everyone who has ever dealt with Peter Mba to attest to the reality that he deals with people with utmost respect and dignity. He treats every human being equally with a humane disposition and we are confident as the people’s governor It will not be different.

The bottom line is that Ndi Enugu should understand that Obidients are different from Labour Party members and being competent in another party does not make them less obedient or a bad candidate. Peter Mba is the perfect match for the Enugu of our dreams, let’s vote for capacity, capability, and integrity. An old wine (Ugwuanyi) in new wine skin (Labour Party) does not solve our problems or fulfill our yearnings as wounded people. . Let’s vote Petet Mba for a better Enugu State.




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