Exclusive: I Want Nigeria Where Fulani, Igbo, Yoruba, Others Feel Fairly, Equitably Treated… Rep. Sam Onuigbo …Speaks on primary function of a Govt.

Exclusive: I Want Nigeria Where Fulani, Igbo, Yoruba, Others Feel Fairly, Equitably Treated… Rep. Sam Onuigbo …Speaks on primary function of a Govt.

Rep. Sam Iheanyichukwu Onuigbo, Member Representing Ikwuano/ Umuahia Federal constituency Rep. Sam Onuigbo says he looks forward to seeing a Nigeria wherein every citizen whether Ijaw, Efik, Igbo, Hausa, Fulani, Yoruba can attain the highest office in the land, without let or hindrance. "A country where everyone has a sense of belonging because he or she feels fairly and equitably treated. That is my dream." He went further to say that the primary function of a government is to provide security and welfare to the people. Hon. Sam OnuigboNational Assembly member, Hon. Sam Onuigbo trained in Finance, Accounting and Corporate…
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