Ikwuano diasporan son, Uke Congratulates Abia Governor-elect, Otti

Dr. Alex Otti and Dr. Ifeanyichukwu E. Uke
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Ikwuano diasporan son, Uke Congratulates Abia Governor-elect, Otti


Dr. Ifeanyichukwu E. Uke, an prominent son of Ikwuano Local Government Area of Abia State, has amidst ecstasy congratulated the newly elected Governor of Abia State, Dr. Alex Otti, on his resounding victory in the just concluded gubernatorial election.


Dr. Uke reminded that the extant statewide carnivals, jubilations, and celebrations as recorded upon the declaration of Otti as the winner of the election by the Independent National Electoral Commission, (INEC), was a proof that his (Alex’) was a divine mandate, as affirmed by the people of Abia State.


“It is with utmost excitement and

gratitude that I congratulate you, His Excellency Dr. Alexander Chioma Otti OFR on your landslide victory to emerge as the Governor-Elect of the just concluded gubernatorial race under Labour Party, despite the desperate attempts by some oppositions to thwart or subvert the desire and the mandate of your constituents.”


The statewide carnivals, jubilations, and celebrations recorded yesterday and still ongoing are all indications that your mandate as the governor-elect is ordained by God and affirmed by the good people of Abia State – Vox populi, Vox Dei! Having attempted to lead your people three-times, you could not have emerged victorious at better time than now when the Abia center could no longer hold as things have completely fallen apart. It is really true of the saying that third time is a charm. The siege is indeed over with your emergence! More so, your victory is an indication that the political status quo has falling in Abia State and meritocracy now trumps godfatherism. No more political stooges in Abia State!!”

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Famousreporters.com reports that, the State Returining Officer, Prof. Nnenna Otti, while announce the results of the election held on Saturday, March 18, disclosed that LP had polled a total of 175,467 against his closet rivalry the People’s Democratic Party, PDP, who came second with 88,529.


The renowned US based Medical practitioner used the medium to advise Otti not to dash the hope of millions of Abians whom he wailed had suffered an age-long bad leadership which has resulted in apparently dilapidation across all sectors of the State.


Moreso, Uke commended Otti for unflinchingly striving for the liberation of the State, as he urged him to endeavour to work assiduously towards ameliorating the piteousncondition of the state, thus restoring the rights of both residents and non-residents.



In his words: “Without sounding utterly cliché, permit me to subtly remind you that to whom much is given, much is equally expected. You have some onerous responsibilities ahead of you as the journey to clean up over two decades worth of crass decadence, excessive rascality, unimaginable impunity, remarkable ineptitude, and moribund system is as difficult as daunting could be. This is, in no stretch, a suggestion that you are not equal to these burdensome tasks ahead. I am unapologetically resolved that you are the best equipped man for this job in this dispensation, and I have no iota of doubt that you will deliver in all your campaign promises because you have the people’s best interest at heart, and that is the only way to show the good people of Abia your gratitude for their resolve in you. More so, for massively mandating you to carry this burden and mantle or rebuilding the dilapidated Abia on their behalf as their servant-leader. Please Sir, let your word be your bond for I am counting on you! The momentum is high and the desire is very pure! You know what they say…“Onye nna ya ziri ohi na-eji ukwu agbawa uzo” You have the mantle, go and make us proud and we are solidly behind you!

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Furthermore, permit me to enjoin you to be a unifier above all because your victory is victory for all Abians both indigenes and non-indigenes and your victory also transcends political partisanship. I implore you to synergistically harness the best brains that cut across all political aisles to work with you all for the common and greater good of Ala Abia, for synergy and formidability incubate in diversity.


Once more, may I appreciate your tenacity, patience, doggedness, steadfastness, and consistent courage to stand toe-to-toe against the age long status quo of reckless maladministration, dysfunctional system, and impudent rascality. Your Excellency, it is time to etch your name on the sand of posterity by restoring the rights of Abia residents and non-residents to quality of life and living. Congratulations once more on your well-deserved victory.


By Famous Reporters

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