Give Priority To Rural Development, Imo Monarch Advises Nigerian Government

HRH EZE DR. OLIVER C. OHANWE, JP(Obigburugburu of Ihim ancient kingdom) being welcomed with his entourage by Mr & Mrs Dane Braun.
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Give Priority To Rural Development, Imo Monarch Advises Nigerian Government


Considering the importance of rural areas in the socio-economic development of any nation and worried by scarcity of social amenities and infrastructures, HRH Eze Dr. Oliver Ohanwe has enjoined all levels of Nigerian government to give priority attention to rural development as contained in the new world order.

Eze Ohanwe who’s the traditional ruler of Ihim ancient kingdom in Isiala Mbano council area of Imo State and popularly known as Obi Gburu Gburu of Igboland gave this patriotic advise at Umuigwe Nkaliki in Abakiliki Local Government Area of Eboniyi State during the commissioning of Kassie Braun Memorial Schools under the distinguished chairmanship of Prof. C. O. Onyebuchi, one time Minister of Health.

Accordingly to the traditional ruler” for siting this school in a rural community like Umuigwe Nkaliki has for the first time got electricity light, graded road and as an educational backward community, their wades will be attending the school even as many of them are on the school scholarship. Obviously, in the next 10 years the community will be positively transform. This makes it imperative for Nigerian government to give priority attention to rural development”he insisted.

Eze Ohanwe who’s also a board member of the institution established by Rev. Fr Johnbosco Ikeme and his foreign partners as South Carolina in USA based missionary commended him for his patriotism and philanthropy while describing the non governmental primary and secondary Schools as “world class”.

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In his speech, Rev. Fr. Ikeme who describe himself as not an investor but a missionary with Dominican Brotherly Organization, hail from Etiti in Ihitte Uboma Local Government Area of Imo State said he was motivated to establish the school in the area by personal and religious experiences as in his early days in life, God lifted him from the streets of Abakiliki as nobody to somebody.

HRH EZE DR. OLIVER C. OHANWE, JP(Obigburugburu of Ihim ancient kingdom) with Mr & Mrs Dane Braun and Rev. Fr. Johnbosco Ikeme ( extreme right on suit).
HRH EZE DR. OLIVER C. OHANWE, JP(Obigburugburu of Ihim ancient kingdom) with Mr & Mrs Dane Braun and Rev. Fr. Johnbosco Ikeme ( extreme right on suit).

He pointed out that the school is being piloted under the auspices of African Educational Outreach, a non governmental organization committed in the establishment of the school through social and humanitarian services.

The Cleric recalled how he mortgaged his house in USA just to raise money to buy the 60 plots of land the school is locàted before getting tremendous assistance from Cassey sisters who has equally built a classroom block in memory of Carling Robert and another block built in memory of Cassey’s mum.

He observed that as a Rev, Father he can not raise biological children and thus he sees all the students and pupils of the institution as his and thus why he is gladly encouraging them to embrace qualitative education.

Rev. Fr. Ikeme also informed that the school is being run under the humane spirit of Mother Cassey,a young American lady from a highly respected and privileged family but choosed to live a life of service and giving as entails in John 1 vs 16 and wants the students to emulate her historical giant strides.

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Adding their voices, Mr.Dane Braun of Indiana, USA who’s the son of Cassey and attended the ceremonies with his dear wife-Chalene said he’s overwhelmed with joy been part of the project and her inauguration while commending the school management for a beautiful environment geared towards easing knowledge and making the children happier and healthier.

The wife, Mrs. Chalene Braun, informed that part of the essence of their visit is to assess the reality of the projects they have been investing while expressing satisfaction.

She also informed that they have a similar school in America and that plans are being advanced to run a collaborative partnership through exchange of curriculum and man power with the vision of making the school one of the best in the world.

Lady Kimberly Snyder one of the foreign investors and partner described the school as amazing noting that it has the same boarding facilities, buses and library like her counter parts abroad.

Snyder further said that the school has enough computers to go round the students and would enhance learning

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