It’s been almost three months since Chinese authorities first declared the existence of coronavirus, officially known as COVID-19, and it has since spawned to 127 countries and territories in what the World Health Organization (WHO) now classifies as a global pandemic.
So what countries, as of Friday afternoon, have not as yet declared any cases?
Here are the countries and their population:
Angola 32,866,272
Antigua and Barbuda 97,929
Bahamas 393,244
Barbados 287,375
Belize 397,628
Benin 12,123,200
Bosnia and Herzegovina 3,280,819
Botswana 2,351,627
Burundi 11,890,784
Côte d’Ivoire 26,378,274
Cabo Verde 555,987
Central African Republic 4,829,767
Chad 16,425,864
Comoros 869,601
Congo (Congo-Brazzaville) 5,518,087
Djibouti 988,000
Dominica 71,986
El Salvador 6,486,205
Equatorial Guinea 1,402,985
Eritrea 3,546,421
Eswatini (fmr. “Swaziland”) 1,160,164
Ethiopia 114,963,588
Fiji 896,445
Gabon 2,225,734
Gambia 2,416,668
Ghana 31,072,940
Grenada 112,523
Guatemala 17,915,568
Guinea 13,132,795
Guinea-Bissau 1,968,001
Haiti 11,402,528
Kazakhstan 18,776,707
Kiribati 119,449
Kyrgyzstan 6,524,195
Laos 7,275,560
Lesotho 2,142,249
Liberia 5,057,681
Libya 6,871,292
Madagascar 27,691,018
Malawi 19,129,952
Mali 20,250,833
Marshall Islands 59,190
Mauritania 4,649,658
Mauritius 1,271,768
Micronesia 115,023
Montenegro 628,066
Mozambique 31,255,435
Myanmar (formerly Burma) 54,409,800
Namibia 2,540,905
Nauru 10,824
Nicaragua 6,624,554
Niger 24,206,644
North Korea 25,778,816
Palau 18,094
Papua New Guinea 8,947,024
Rwanda 12,952,218
Saint Kitts and Nevis 53,199
Saint Lucia 183,627
Samoa 198,414
Sao Tome and Principe 219,159
Seychelles 98,347
Sierra Leone 7,976,983
Solomon Islands 686,884
Somalia 15,893,222
South Sudan 11,193,725
Suriname 586,632
Syria 17,500,658
Tajikistan 9,537,645
Tanzania 59,734,218
Timor-Leste 1,318,445
Tonga 105,695
Trinidad and Tobago 1,399,488
Turkmenistan 6,031,200
Tuvalu 11,792
Uganda 45,741,007
Uzbekistan 33,469,203
Vanuatu 307,145
Yemen 29,825,964
Zambia 18,383,955
Zimbabwe 14,862,924