Robert Callahan, President of Holy Family College, announces that the college will shut down in August.

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

MANITOWOC, Wis. — As she neared the end of high school, Clare Kelnhofer’s future had its share of uncertainties. But where she’d go to college wasn’t one — at least at first.

Kelnhofer, of Brandon, Wisconsin, had decided she’d go to Holy Family College — the only college she’d applied to. The fit was perfect: the right size, the right values, passionate professors, close proximity to family in Manitowoc.

The school recruited her to play basketball. She won a prestigious, full tuition scholarship to pursue a degree in actuarial science. 

Then, without warning, Holy Family announced May 4 that the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity had decided to close the college at the end of the summer term.

“It was just very heartbreaking and a loss of words,” Kelnhofer said. “What am I going to do now?”

The forces to which the 85-year-old Catholic college succumbed are the same that haunt campus leaders at universities nationwide, particularly private schools that rely heavily on a steady flow of tuition dollars to keep doors open.

In a video message announcing the college’s closure, President Robert Callahan said those forces included rising operating costs and challenges with fundraising. He also said the number of students deciding to enroll or continue at the college was a factor.

Callahan declined to provide specific numbers on these metrics to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. He said in an email that enrollment at the school had been flat for a few years, before a slight uptick in the past year. The college had 362 students this spring.

But the financial hit from coronavirus, which forced campuses to finish the spring semester remotely, “made an already tough situation unsustainable.” Callahan said he couldn’t provide precise numbers because they changed daily.

“I can share that the negative financial impact of COVID-19 on both enrollment and fundraising is significant,” Callahan said.

Callahan said in his video address to students and staff that the college, founded in 1935, had been making strides in reversing years of financial struggles and trying to achieve enrollment growth.

“I didn’t think God’s plan was to bring my family here to close this special place,” he said.

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The college isn’t the first in the Midwest to shut its doors — MacMurray College in Illinois announced in March that it was closing this spring after 174 years — and some fear it won’t be the last. Among Wisconsin’s small private schools, especially Holy Family’s Catholic peers, there’s a sense of mourning for the college.

“I think all of us hope that we’re never in this situation,” said Christine Pharr, president of Mount Mary University in Milwaukee.

“It makes me incredibly sad,” she said of the closure, noting that the loss of a college was a loss of history, of careers and of a community. “These are really hard times and COVID-19 is not making it any easier.”

Other schools open doors 

In the days after Holy Family College announced its closure, it began working to relocate its existing students before the end of the summer, and advocating for transfer agreements with other Wisconsin colleges to help students stay on track academically. 

Transfer agreements were reached with at least eight colleges to guarantee admission to students in good academic standing, with a promise to accept all transfer credit and waive application fees. They will also provide expedited academic and financial aid counseling and try to match financial aid awards so students’ net out-of-pocket costs will be similar to what they would have been at Holy Family.

The goal is to get students in the same or similar academic programs and on track to graduate.

Some schools have a similar feel to Holy Family; Milwaukee’s Alverno College, for example, shares a Franciscan mission, a liberal arts focus and many programs.

“There was a feeling of connection with them,” said Joseph Foy, vice president for academic affairs at Alverno.

Foy hopes one positive takeaway from the situation is that colleges are forced to make transferring credits between schools easier than it has been in the past.

Pharr, president of Mount Mary University, said her team had already heard from five or six students seeking to transfer before the agreement was in place.

She said some of her college’s coaches have reached out regarding open spots on sports teams. Mount Mary has created teams of people to help each Holy Family student transition. They include a faculty member in each student’s major and professionals in student services, financial aid and admissions.

“We know this isn’t going to be easy for them,” Pharr said.

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‘Part of our college family, forevermore’

For McKynna Bungard, 21, Holy Family College seemed like not just a good fit, but the only fit.

Bungard, a nursing major, was preparing for a cross-country move from Arizona to Wisconsin, having completed her first two years at a local community college. 

Holy Family was affordable. The people were kind and caring. She loved Manitowoc.

It also seemed to be the only school she could find that would allow her to play basketball and keep up with the rigors of her nursing curriculum.

Now, she keeps telling herself there are people who have it worse: students who are stranded in the middle of academic programs, employees who are out of jobs. 

To those people, Callahan had two messages. First, the college will help students, faculty and staff transition to their next chapter as best it can. Second, “You will all be a part of our college family, forevermore.”

Bungard still isn’t sure where she’ll go now.

The same week she heard her school was closing, she lost her job, which she was using to save up for college. She doesn’t know whether she’ll find a fit like Holy Family, and even if she does, she doesn’t know whether she’ll be allowed on campus come fall. Wisconsin colleges with transfer agreements have reached out, but they either lacked the program she wanted or the basketball.

“I loved this school so much,” Bungard said. “It was something I was definitely looking forward to.”

As for Kelnhofer’s case, Callahan wrote that the college’s closure would mean the end of her full scholarship and her chance to play basketball.

He reassured her that her strong GPA and ACT score would buy her time to get “very competitive” scholarship offers from other schools. 

Kelnhofer spent a day recovering from the blow, and then started looking. She took a virtual tour of Lakeland University in Sheboygan and now plans to go there. Lakeland doesn’t have a major in actuarial science, but she’ll major in accounting. She doesn’t think she’ll end up playing basketball. She’s still waiting to get a financial aid package.

“I thought I had everything planned out,” Kelnhofer said.

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