MYSTERIOUS!! “I don’t even know who gave it the name, Coronavirus” … Nigerian man who wrote about Coronavirus, Ebola in 1985 Finally Speaks An Intrigue!
"I don't even know who gave it the name, Coronavirus because this disease has been in existence since 1964 and we in Africans we don't really say it is new".These are the words of Prof. Chinedu Agbodike, a Fine Artist and a versatile writer, when he spoke with Famous Reporters in an exclusive interview amidst persuasion, at his Ihe- Mbosi country home, inĀ Anambra state.Prof. Agbodike who authored the book: 'Colonial Conspiracies In Africa' far back in 1985, on page 142 captured the outbreak of Coronavirus and its accompanying devastations and trauma geared towards eradicating the extant "policy and politics…