
We give you 21-days ultimatum to vacate our land, Igbo National Council tells Juhadist Militant Terrorists, Mercenaries

We give you 21-days quit notice, Igbo National Council tells Juhadist Militants Terrorists, Mercenaries Worried about the recent unlawful influx of persons suspected to be Jihadist militant terrorists and Mercenaries into Southern region of the country, Igbo National Council, (INC) has unanimously ordered the hoodlums to vacate their community forests, towns and states with effect from 23rd May 2020 as further hesitation would tantamount to regrets. This was stated in a press statement jointly signed byChilos Godsent and Zulu Ofoelue, President and Secretary- General, INC, respectively and made available to Famous ReportersThe release read in full: *WE GIVE TWENTY ONE…
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