imo broadcasting corporation

See Why Former IBC Director stabs wife to death

The entire atmosphere was engulfed in devastation, in Amafor, Imerienwe in Ngor-okpala LGA of Imo State, on Sunday, as 85-years- old former Director General of Imo Broadcasting Corporation (IBC), Sir Theophlus C. Okere, stabbed his 85 year old wife, late Mrs. Beatrice Okere to death. A close family member (name withheld), disclosed that Okere has been mentally infirm due to old age for a long time, although undergoing some rehabilitation. Reportedly, Mr T. C. Okere, the DG of IBC from 1991-1996 according to our source, had had several light disagreement with the deceased wife, prior to the last 'last straw…
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