
(FACT-CHECK) IKPEAZU’S SUDDEN LOVE FOR ABIA WORKERS: A Destructive Blessing *When a naked man promises you a dress…

(FACT-CHECK) IKPEAZU’S SUDDEN LOVE FOR ABIA WORKERS: A Destructive Blessing *When a naked man promises you a dress…

(FACT-CHECK) IKPEAZU'S SUDDEN LOVE FOR ABIA WORKERS: A Destructive Blessing *When a naked man promises you a dress- By Charity Uwakwe During my secondary school days and in one of the subjects- Literature, I had come across a certain word "Oxymoron". I loved this word so much that when we were told the meaning, it stuck more deeply in my heart than all other figurative language tools Oxymoron, I was taught, simply means "the lying side -by side of two contradictory words. One of the illustrations that I also had stuck in my head was "A destructive blessing". At first,…
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