#Coalition of Civil Society Groups

2023: Coalition Of CSOs Resolve To Support Southern Presidency…                                                        Call on political parties to honour zoning presidency to southern states

2023: Coalition Of CSOs Resolve To Support Southern Presidency… Call on political parties to honour zoning presidency to southern states

2023: Coalition Of CSOs Resolve To Support Southern Presidency... Call on political parties to honour zoning presidency to southern states AHEAD of 2023 general elections with heightened political permutations and strategies, Civil Society Organisations under the auspices of Coalition of Civil Society Groups, CCGS, Friday, resolved to support southern presidency. This stand by CCGS was declared during a media conference held in Abuja, where the President, CCGS, Basset Etuk Williams, and Secretary General, CCGS, Abubakar Ibrahim, in an address, pointed out that since the return of democracy, on May 29, 1999, there has been "an unwritten convention in the country…
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