
Control Inordinate Consumption, Production Of Alcoholic Beverages, Ezendigbo Urges Buhari

Control Inordinate Consumption, Production Of Alcoholic Beverages, Ezendigbo Urges Buhari

Control Inordinate Consumption, Production Of Alcoholic Beverages, Ezendigbo Urges Buhari   In the Western World, We are having problem of about 70 Per cent of people who are smokers and addicted to alcohol, performing into internal health issue, Chief CBN Onwuasoanya Ezendigbo, alert the government of President Muhammadu Buhari on the reckless input of alcoholic beverages. Ezendigbo averred that,” Nigeria, the most populated black country in the world allows nonnatives advertise cigarettes and further alcoholic beverages with different brands while the leaders pretends n’t to watch enough.” According to him, “Utmost of our people who consume these acholic portables begin…
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