Abia palliative

COVID-19: Emenike Osondu Reveals Method Of Distributing Abia Govt’s Palliatives

COVID-19: Emenike Osondu Reveals Method Of Distributing Abia Govt’s Palliatives

The Administrator of the free home services for the elderly in Abia says identifying the vulnerable in the state to aid distribution of the food materials provided by the state government will be done through Referer Sources in the various communities. Speaking with Famous Reporters, Chief Emenike Chuck Osondu pointed out that the Geriatrics were the major beneficiaries of the government's benevolence which is geared towards extenuating the suffering of the masses as prompted by the extant lockdown. According to him, "the criteria to be a Geriatric is that they have to be home bound, and must have medical underlining…
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