Chief Emeka Diwe, the President-General of Orluzurumee says the impacts of Orluzurumee on the people of Orlu cannot be overemphasized. In this interview with Famous Reporters at his office, in Eziukwu road, Aba, Chief Diwe elaborates the major challenges of Orluzurumee, as he decried the level of deceit and insincerity among some members.
Question: Please, sir, could you introduce yourself officially.
I am Chief Emeka Diwe, the President- General of Orluzurumee.
Question: Sir, could you tell us the impacts of Orluzurumee on the people of Orlu.
Orluzurumee is a socia- cultural organization of Orlu people. It is an avenue to advance the interest of Orlu people.
It has attracted a lot of amenities for Orlu people. For instance, when the issue of relocation of Orlu Teaching Hospital came up, this group quickly prepared a memo which we sent to the governor and also house of assembly and to all the Ezes in Orlu zone, flogging the issue of relocating the Teaching Hospital in Orlu.
This is a situation where people are dying everyday and the teaching hospital that is around them, and government, under Governor Okorocha’s administration wanted to relocate it to a distant place. So, we made them understand that it would not be beneficial to the people and the Government listened to us and that decision did not see the light of the day.
Also, we conduct seminars, we liase with our brothers abroad to extend free medical care services. This is a period during which Orlu sons and daughters based abroad would through orluzurumee organise people and things like drugs are distributed to Orlu people.
We also stand in for the people in times of suppression. Also, we organise empowerment programmes for the youths. In fact, in our own case, it is engagement. Recently, in the year 2019, the Orluzurumee collaboratively launched a transport empowerment programme for the youths and some people brought out funds and we establish Orluzurumee Youths Transport.
The youths of Orluzurumee were advised to manage the company and take the proceeds and help themselves especially the unemployed youths.
For the women we also organise health programmes, a situation where we invite people to deliver Health lectures on some perennial diseases such as breast cancer for the women and then postrate cancer for the men. These are some of the diseases that are common among people but are poorly managed due to ignorance and lack of adequate information. These are certain things that could be better managed especially their symptoms, some men don’t know the early symptoms of postrate which are very easy and almost very cheap to manage and that is when they are disposed with the adequate information. Also, the breast cancer, we get people to educate the women.
Moreso, we act as a pressure group by picking on the Government to ensure that the people of Orlu zone benefit from the various infrastructures provided by the government geared towards the development of the communities. So, we have impacted greatly on the people and the people are very appreciative of our efforts.
Question: Sir, how effective has Orluzurumee as a pressure group been in relation to the government?
It has been very effective. It was the pressure that we applied to the Government that prevented the relocation of Orlu Teaching Hospital. This is because if that hospital had been relocated, Orlu zone would have been recording at least 20 deaths daily and these are Orlu indigenes.
Question: Sir, we observed that the leadership of Orluzurumee has been in dispute, as there seems to exist two factions of Orluzurumee in recent times. Could you tell us what has happened lately, sir.
There is only one Orluzurumee that has a very long genealogy. This is the Orluzurumee that started since the 1980’s and leadership of this group has always moved from one person to another up until it got to my tenure which was handed over to me by one Reuben Okoro whose actions depict that of a fraudster.
Question: Sir, majority of the members of Orluzurumee have on different occasions tagged Reuben Okoro a fraudster? Does that sound strange to your ears.
Well, on different occasions, people have accused him of being one and this they evidently pointed to virtually everything he does. And I must also tell you that this people can stand boldly anywhere and without fear or favour describe him as one. Take for instance, a man who goes about taking money from unspecting people using one inexistent project or the other just to get what he wants, is that not an act of swindling? And is swindling not the same as fraudulence? So, what are we talking about? This is one of the ways we act as a pressure group by going about putting an end to some of these means of collecting money from the masses by tricks and that is why they get into a fight with us. This set of persons defraud people especially the unsuspecting people. The other time, we heard about either Orluzurumee Polytechnic or University. We learnt he came one day and collected money from people that he was floating Orluzurumee Polytechnic and we knew that it was not possible for such individual and then he organised for a launching where so many people gave money including Hope Uzodinma who gave #10m. A lot of people donated money and up until today, he disappeared with that money. That’s a criminal act, and I keep saying it. We have had issues to talk about this thing in a public place, anyone who defrauds people, is a undoubtedly a fraudster.
Question: Sir, why do we have this impression that some group of persons are at loggerheads with you especially Chief Reuben Okoro. Could you tell us what the bone of contention is, sir.
Why he’s not in good terms with us is because we prevented him from defrauding the people. We informed the people that it was scam are people were victimised but we saved a lot of other people who would have fallen victims of that scam. There are criminal cases against him both in the police and in court till today. He seized Orluzurumee registration documents and claims Orluzurumee is his own. Orluzurumee does not belong to one person. And no one, man or woman can claim Orluzurumee is his personal property, or that nobody can take it away from him. Leadership is transient, you come and go but he refused to step aside after leading Orluzurumee and we’re having issues with him till today and most of these issues are both in the police and court. So, when someone says he is of Orluzurumee, you ask that person, who is your father? Somebody cannot just wake up one morning and claim he is the President-General of Orluzurumee without a known
genealogy. These things have been proven in so many ways.
Sir, how do you feel seeing more different bodies bearing the same name, Orluzurumee?
Orluzurumee is a generic name just like we have Aba Social Club, Aba People’s Club, etc, so if you go to CAC now, you will discover that there are about six names bearing Orluzurumee as a prefix but we’re not worried. It’s when you bend down you will see Aba well. It’s when you come down and look at the structures. Some of these things are scams used to defraud unsuspecting people and that is part of our role to inform the unsuspecting people especially the villagers whom they go around asking them to pay #1000 to get registered into Orluzurumee. Of course, people who are intelligent enough always come back to ask us whether these people are the authentic Orluzurumee and we always advise them appropriately otherwise if you allow yourself to be scammed well, so be it.
So, if you ask me, I would say that Orluzurumee, the one that started since 1982 has one line of genealogy and in that genealogy, there has not been any controversial succession up until today.
Question: Sir, for how long have you been the PG of Orluzurumee? Also, please, when will your tenure elapse and what plans do you have regarding succession?
When you talk about succession in Orluzurumee, I will boldly tell you that we have never recorded any form of controversy in the cause of succession. I am the last PG and I took over from Reuben Okoro. Of course, this year there will be an election and I’ll hand over. I have been on this seat for two tenures and that is six years and my tenure will expire this year. It is three years per tenure and it is in the Constitution but that Reuben Okoro refused to accept that he is no longer the president general instead he keeps saying, “Diwe took Orluzurumee from me”. Are you the owner of Orluzurumee?
Some philanthropists pulled resources together and established transport company with about five buses to empower the youths, this man was so wicked that he connived with the police and impounded those buses. He doesn’t work the Youths to survive and the matter is with the police and will soon be charged to court. We have three matters with him in court.
Question: Sir, could you tell us about Orluzurumee’s greatest challenge.
Part of the greatest challenge Orlu people have is deceit of unsuspecting people by some criminal elements including Reuben Okoro. Our greatest challenge is how to rescue the people from deceit of fraudulent people.
Question: So, now, sir, what measures have you deployed to tackle this situation?
Yes, it is by sensitising and giving them the right information. For instance, when he said he was floating Orluzurumee Polytechnic, and we saw it was a scam, if we hadn’t told the people, by now, he would have collected billions. A Polytechnic or University and you expect it to be in your backyard? As naive people, especially when he told them a cheaper amount and when people want education. But, ask him, where is the University? He has collected that money and people kept quiet. He has collected that money and vanished. Get him and ask him where is that Polytechnic he launched and collected money for?
Question: Sir, in your own view what can you say is the reason for your people’s silence?
Their problem is naivety. That is why it takes more than ordinariness to work for people and to defend people.
Question: Finally, sir, what advice do you have for the people of Orlu in general?
Well, my candid advice for my people of Orluzurumee just like I’ve always said is that they should be aware of some lions that come to them in sheep clothing. They should be careful with the people who frequently come to them in the name of Orluzurumee and as much as possible, should always ask questions from the right persons else they be misled. They should not be ignorant of the fact that all that glitters is not gold. Also, I want to assure them that we will at all times protect their interest both in government and otherwise to make sure they don’t get sidelined in any form.
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