MYSTERIOUS!! “I don’t even know who gave it the name, Coronavirus” … Nigerian man who wrote about Coronavirus, Ebola in 1985 Finally Speaks An Intrigue!

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“I don’t even know who gave it the name, Coronavirus because this disease has been in existence since 1964 and we in Africans we don’t really say it is new”.
These are the words of Prof. Chinedu Agbodike, a Fine Artist and a versatile writer, when he spoke with Famous Reporters in an exclusive interview amidst persuasion, at his Ihe- Mbosi country home, in  Anambra state.
Prof. Agbodike who authored the book: ‘Colonial Conspiracies In Africa’ far back in 1985, on page 142 captured the outbreak of Coronavirus and its accompanying devastations and trauma geared towards eradicating the extant “policy and politics of race superiority or inferiority” thereby removing strength from the developed nations and at the same time humbling them before the entire world.
It reads: “Finally, starting from the up coming public disgrace of the most popular leader from the world power brokers, I pronoun the end of inequality and hereby prophecy the downfall of G7 and end rule of Albinos. End of policy and politics of race superiority or inferiority. There shall be natural disasters- both wind and weather changes, and floods to humble the developed nations. There shall be economic woes and all nations shall weep on the shoulders of nations but there shall be no strength.
Continuing, it reads: “Before the end of 2015, the earth shall spew her venom of anger upon the G7 and her leader. Her leader shall be mostly stricken. The Earth’s natural weapons weapons shall keep striking and at about 2020 AD, USA and some of her states shall be destroyed: namely; New York, New Jersey and California where sharks shall eat human flesh. These three states shall sink below sea level and shall be covered with water. These three states and the US can still be saved if USA as a nation repents; and make restitutions, only then shall God miraculously keep her but rent the garment of her world leadership and give to another”.
Fielding questions, Prof. Agbodike who had maintained silence since the outbreak of COVID-19 and had apparently resisted all efforts to speak with the press reiterated that the dreaded disease had existed since 1964 among the GIHONS, (Africans) in the past, with the native name ‘Iba-Ako’ or ‘Iba Ojii’, hence it is not new to the latter.
“Right here in Africa, as they chose to call us, because, we’re not actually Africans rather we are Gihonite or Ethiopian Empires. We don’t really say it is new because we have passed through it before, it is called in my language, ‘Iba-Ako’ or ‘Iba Ojii’ which can be cured by anything that is bitter. That’s why the Chloroquine can take care of that.”He, therefore, advised the world power and indeed the entire world to refrain from all manners of wickedness and shun racism, saying it’s the only way to end the plague and restore God’s hands upon mankind.
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By Famous Reporters


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