Three moms sat down with USA TODAY to talk about how they parent their children in a world of likes and comments.


Schools are shut down, sports have come to a halt, and teenagers won’t be attending their senior proms.

In times of loneliness and isolation, how are kids coping and maintaining relationships?

The same way they have been since before the new world of social distancing – FaceTime, Snapchat, TikTok, Instagram and video games.

Social media usage among teens is something that has concerned parents and teachers for years, with each subsequent generation seemingly more addicted to electronics than the one before. But it might end up being the thing that saves them.

At a time when mental health professionals are increasingly concerned over the impact of unexpected and unprecedented isolation, children could be the ones who make it through with the least trauma. Because unlike older Americans, adolescents are used to communicating largely through virtual media. It’s their normal.

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Autumn Viney, a senior at Braden River High School in Bradenton, Florida, is sad that her classmates won’t be able to experience the things that other kids have. Walking at graduation has always been one of her biggest dreams, and now she probably won’t be able to experience it. She’s a self-described workaholic, both at school and on the job.

With social distancing and stay-at-home measures, social media has been “a blessing” for her.

“I have been more in touch than I think I ever have with people,” Viney said. “We are all going through the same struggle right now, and it seems like everyone is lonely. It’s nice and easy to reach out because everyone is home and on the internet looking for social interactions or some kind of connection during this time.”

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Using Snapchat and video calls on FaceTime makes it feels like she’s with her friends even when she’s not, she said.

“This is how (teenagers) are used to communicating, so a lot of what’s going on and how we’re telling them to communicate is what they’ve always been doing, so they’re kind of ahead of us,” said Jeff Temple, professor and psychologist at the University of Texas Medical Branch.

Hannah DeArmond, a senior at Bradenton’s Bayshore High School, is using FaceTime and Snapchat every day now, more than she used to.

“Everyone is pretty much using (social media) more because we’re bored at home with nothing else to do, and it’s the only form of us talking to people,” she said. “It’s how I talk to my friends and make sure they’re OK.”

Although schools are closed in Florida until at least May 1, the Manatee County School District’s 11 mental health counselors and 22 school psychologists are still working with students.

The mental health practitioners, including the guidance counselors and social workers, are continuing their services to students using Schoology, the district’s online learning system.

“We’re really trying to get these students everything they need,” said Nicole Cox, ESE director of student services. “It’s still easy for students to access these resources and we do still have a process in place if we need to pick up any new students – if they are struggling in this time with any anxiety or mental health issues.”

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Crisis Text Line, a service that provides free, 24/7 support via text message in the U.S. United Kingdom and Canada, reported that among its users under 17 years old, there has been an increase in conversations regarding “suicide” and “school.”

“I am feeling anxious due to the coronavirus pandemic,” one teenager wrote. “I cannot sleep and I am having visions of my loved ones dying.”

“With this quarantine and virus stuff going on, my mental health has gotten a lot worse,” another teenager wrote. “I keep forgetting to take my meds and I started cutting again.”

Over the last 30 days in Florida, the top used words in messages to the Crisis Text Line from users 17 and under were: virus, coronavirus, canceled, quarantine, suffocating, FaceTime and cough.

Despite staying connected through social media, kids’ mental health is still affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

Loneliness affects kids in different ways than adults because their identity formation is derived from spending time with their peers. By staying home instead of going to school, they’re deprived of those interactions that are crucial at the developmental stage in their lives.

“They are still having relationships,” Temple said. “It’s the relationship that we have tended to disparage over the last several years, and now I think (adults) are starting to realize that they are real relationships.”

Follow Anna Bryson on Twitter @annamariabryson

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Your phone in a way is like a third hand, and social media might as well be attached to it. it’s recommended you try to change your habits little by little.


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