President Trump told reporters that certain governors are not appreciative enough of his administration’s response to the coronavirus pandemic.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Sunday that despite the $2 trillion economic package signed into law by President Donald Trump on Friday, the federal government has “to do more” to combat the spread of the coronavirus that has killed more than 2,000 Americans and called for another piece of legislation to address the remaining needs. 

“I think the bill was just a down payment,” Pelosi told CNN’s “State of the Union” host Jake Tapper. “We have to pass another bill that goes toward meeting the need more substantially than we have.” 

She said new action was required to increase funding for states and hospitals, as well as to address the reported shortages of personal protective equipment for medical professionals. She also called for an expansion of family medical leave, a guarantee that those who get tested have their doctor visit covered and protections for workers’ pensions, among other issues. 

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“The list goes on about what we have to do,” she said, citing the “self-evident” need for additional resources in the states. 

Pelosi also tore into Trump for his handling of the outbreak, saying his initial response cost lives. 

“His denial at the beginning was deadly. His delaying of getting equipment to where it’s needed is deadly,” she said. 

And she pushed back against Trump’s suggestion of beginning to ease the social-distancing meant to slow the spread of the COVID-19 disease in areas where the outbreak was less severe. She said the aim should be to “prevent more loss of life, rather open things up.”  

“I don’t know what the purpose of that is,” she said of Trump’s idea of easing restrictions. “I don’t know what the scientists are saying to him.” 

She called for an inquiry into Trump’s response to the virus after the crisis has passed. 

“What did he know and when did he know it? That’s for an after-action review,” she said. “Let’s review later what we should have done when. Let’s now just stop doing the same thing, which is to deny and delay.” 

“But as the president fiddles, people are dying. And we just have to take every precaution.” 

Ex-FDA chief: Don’t ease restrictions until 14 straight days of reduction in cases

Former Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb said Sunday that the White House should not ease its social distancing guidelines aimed at containing the spread of the coronavirus “until you see sustained reduction in the number of cases for 14 days.”

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“That’s the point at which you can contemplate lifting some of these measures that we have in place right now, some of these very aggressive social distancing measures,” he said in a CBS News'”This Week” interview. “But you need to do it very gradually.”

Gottlieb – who served as President Donald Trump’s FDA head from May 2017 to March 2019 – said it was also necessary to have “the ability to test the population widely” before easing the restrictions “so you can determine who has the infection, who doesn’t, and use case-based interventions, where you isolate individual people.” 

Gottlieb said the principal reason that testing is limited is no longer a lack of testing kits, but lack of basic components such as swabs that are needed to conduct the tests.

“The manufacturing supply chain for those components is very limited right now,” he said.

President Donald Trump has said he hopes the restrictions can be eased in the coming weeks because of the economic havoc they have caused and he has floated the idea of lifting them in regions where the number of cases is low.

The current social distancing guidelines issued by the White House were for a 15-day period, which expires Tuesday. Trump, who has said he hopes people can begin to return to work as soon as Easter, is weighing changes before issuing new recommendations.

“It’s too early to lift these measures,” said Gottleib, who predicted the White House will end up extending the existing guidelines for another two weeks.

“April is going to be a hard month,” he said. “Come May, we’ll be coming out of this and we’ll be able to contemplate starting to lift some of these measures as we see the epidemic curve come down.”

— William Cummings 

Kudlow defends ‘we have contained this’ claim

Larry Kudlow, top economic adviser to President Donald Trump, on Sunday defended the claim he made a month ago that the administration had successfully contained the coronavirus, which has since killed more than 2,000 Americans. 

“Look, I’m as good as the facts are. At the time I made that statement, the facts were contained,” Kudlow told ABC News “This Week” host Martha Raddatz. “The president has just put the travel restrictions on China, and a lot of people agreed with me. In fact, at the time, a lot of people thought that the flu was worse than this virus.” 

The former CNBC host said that “as soon as the facts changed” the administration “changed our whole posture and our whole strategy, and we’ve gone full bore.” 

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In a Feb. 25 interview on CNBC, Kudlow said of the outbreak, “We have contained this. I won’t say airtight, but pretty close to airtight.”

“I don’t think it’s going to be an economic tragedy at all,” he added, though he conceded, “There will be some stumbles.”

Despite Kudlow’s claim that many agreed with his belief that the virus had been contained, his comment came the same day that Nancy Messonnier, the director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, told reporters that widespread contagion was already inevitable. 

“It’s not a question of if but rather a question of when, and how many, people in this country will have severe illness,” Messonnier said a month ago. 

— William Cummings

Trump administration begins airlift of medical supplies

The Trump administration is airlifting medical supplies from Asia and other parts of the world to areas of the United States hardest hit by the coronavirus with a series of daily flights that began on Sunday, the White House said.

A plane carrying more than 10 million surgical gloves and 130,000 N-95 masks, as well as other equipment, landed at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York on Sunday from Shanghai. It was the first of what is expected to be approximately 20 such flights over the course of the next several weeks.

White House senior adviser Jared Kushner said in a statement that the flights would bring “massive amounts of masks” and other gear to “better equip our health care workers on the front lines and to better serve the American people.”

Officials said the goal is to expedite the shipment of medical supplies, bringing equipment into the country within two to three days rather than 20 to 40 days normally required to ship by sea. 

The first flight contained 130,000 N-95 masks, nearly 1.8 million surgical face masks and gowns, more than 10.3 million gloves and more than 70,000 thermometers, the White House said. 

The effort comes as state and local officials say hospitals are running shortages of medical equipment needed by front-line health workers dealing with the pandemic. The majority of the supplies will be distributed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut with other gear headed to nursing homes and other high-risk areas.

John Fritze

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