President Donald Trump’s former lawyer and longtime fixer Michael Cohen will be released from federal prison to serve the remainder of his sentence in home confinement because of the coronavirus pandemic. (April 17)

AP Domestic

WASHINGTON – Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump’s former personal lawyer who is serving a three-year sentence, is set to be released from a New York federal prison Thursday to serve the remainder of his term at home amid coronavirus fears, a person familiar with the matter said Wednesday.

Cohen, who had been held at a prison camp in Otisville, New York, is due to be released on furlough pending a formal placement in home confinement, said the source, who is not authorized to comment publicly.

Lawyers representing Cohen declined comment Wednesday.

More than two dozen inmates and officers have been infected with the virus at the prison facility.

Cohen had been set for early release in April, but moving him to home confinement has been delayed.

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Last month, Attorney General William Barr announced a plan to expedite the release of vulnerable prisoners to home confinement as infections and fatalities mounted. Barr asked Bureau of Prison officials to grant home confinement based on factors including a prisoner’s age and vulnerability to COVID-19, their conduct in prison, and the crimes for which they were convicted. 

In a court filing last month, an official said the Bureau of Prisons is prioritizing inmates who have served 50% of their punishment. Officials are also prioritizing inmates with short prison sentences: those who have 18 months or less left and have served 25% of their time.

As of Wednesday, the Bureau of Prisons has moved 2,932 prisoners to home confinement. More than 2,200 prisoners and nearly 200 staffers have tested positive for COVID-19. At least 58 inmates have died. 

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Cohen, a self-described Trump fixer, pleaded guilty to coordinating payoffs to buy the silence of adult film star Stormy Daniels and former Playboy model Karen McDougal. The women said they had sexual affairs with Trump before he was elected. Cohen insisted he acted at the direction of Trump, who has denied the affairs.

Cohen has since been disbarred. He had been set for release in November 2021. 

On May 13, former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort was released to home confinement after his lawyers argued his age and litany of illnesses make him vulnerable to the deadly virus. 

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