Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource Guide

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource Guide
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How many cases are there in the US and where I live?

We are tracking the coronavirus outbreaks across the US and in your state with daily updated maps, total cases and deaths.

See the maps

What are the symptoms of COVID-19?

The most common symptoms, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine, are fever, cough, shortness of breath when they first get sick, and muscle pain or fatigue. And a loss of a sense of smell or taste may be a symptom of COVID-19, medical groups representing ear, nose and throat specialists have warned.

Read more about the symptoms

How long does coronavirus live on surfaces?

Coronavirus can survive on common materials for hours or even days.

See a breakdown by surface

What does coronavirus do to your body?

From infection, it takes approximately five to 12 days for symptoms to appear. Here’s a step-by-step look at what happens inside the body when coronavirus takes hold.

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How did the coronavirus start?

We look at where and how the coronavirus pandemic started and spread globally.

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What are the current recommendations on masks?

The CDC recommends Americans wear cloth face coverings in public settings where it’s difficult to stay at least six-feet apart, such as grocery stores and pharmacies — especially in areas with high levels of community transmission.

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How do I make my own face mask?

Here’s a pattern and instructions to make a face mask.

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Is it safe to go grocery shopping?

When are the best times to go? Should I wipe down groceries? Here’s some safety advice for going grocery shopping.

See the tips

What are the symptoms of COVID-19?

The most common symptoms, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine, are fever, cough, shortness of breath when they first get sick, and muscle pain or fatigue. And a loss of a sense of smell or taste may be a symptom of COVID-19, medical groups representing ear, nose and throat specialists have warned.

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Read more about the symptoms

What are current recommendations for self-quarantining?

If you’re traveling between states, here’s where you’ll have to self-quarantine.

See self-quarantine guidance

Can I hang out with my family? Can I still go outside? Work?

If you think you might have coronavirus and are self-quarantined at home, stay in one room of your home, with one person at most taking care of you and use a separate bathroom, if you can. Limit your contacts even with people you live with.

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When should I call my doctor?

If you’re exhibing sypmtoms, call your doctor immediately. Unless you are having critical problems, do not go into the nearest emergency department. Call your usual medical provider before seeking care. If you have a scheduled appointment sometime soon, call the doctor’s office to report you have symptoms of COVID-19. The doctor’s staff can then protect themselves and others in the office from infection.

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Should I go to the ER? What about Urgent Care?

Unless you are having critical problems, do not go into the nearest emergency department. Call your usual medical provider before seeking care, and let them know you have symptoms of COVID-19. The Ohio Department of Health says “emergency warning signs” for COVID-19 in adults include difficulty breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, confusion or an inability to wake up, or bluish lips or face.

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I’m scared. Who can I talk to?

Stressed, depressed, and feeling bad about coronavirus? You’re not alone. You can get free help online.

Here’s how

I’ve heard a rumor about coronavirus? Is it true?

We have a team separating coronavirus facts from fiction.

Get the facts

Have we answered your coronavirus question?

We’ve recieved thousands of questions about coronavirus. There’s a chance we may have already answered your question.

Check here

What about the stimulus checks?

We are answering all of your money questions – anything from finding a job or unemployment benefits to your 401(k) or retirement plans. We want to help you navigate your personal finances during this crisis.

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See the Q&A

What else do you want to know about coronavirus?

There’s a lot unknown about the virus, but there’s also a lot we do know. We’re answering your questions, daily.

Submit them here

What movies should I watch?

We put together a list of 100 movies to watch for every cinematic yearning.

Check it out

What TV shows should I watch?

We put together a list of 100 TV shows that will keep you streaming for weeks.

See it here

What should I read?

We complied a list of 100 books to read, from celebrity memoirs to book club favorites.

Take a peek

What should I cook?

We rounded up a list of meal ideas, with ingredients you may already have in your pantry.

Browse it here

What can my family watch together?

We pulled together a list of 25 films for quarantined kids of all ages.

Have a look

What can my family read together?

We have a list of 50 great books to entertain kids, whether they’re newborns or high schoolers.

Check it out

What if my flight is canceled or changed due to coronavirus?

The U.S. Department of Transportation has warned airlines that they must issue prompt refunds to passengers whose flights are canceled or changed significantly by the airline during the coronavirus crisis.

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Will I be quarantined if I travel?

Some states have instituted quarantine orders for travelers.

Check this list

What other travel information should I know?

As the world works to slow the spread of coronavirus, countries have imposed a variety of travel restrictions.

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