Ataga’s Update: CHIDIMMA WILL NOT DIE: I can defend her get her sentence reduced to less than 10yrs…S’Court …She told him that he had only been using her without helping…s

Usifo Ataga, Super TV Boss
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Usifo Ataga, Super TV Boss
Usifo Ataga, Super TV Boss

It obviously looks like some legal practitioners are beginning to analyze critically, the pathetic situation that presented itself to poor 21-years-old Chidinma Adaora Ojukwu, the undergraduate student of University of Lagos, (LASU) who reportedly stabbed to death the CEO of Super TV, Mr. Asaga Osifo, as a Barrister and Solicitor at the Supreme Court has stepped in.

According to Barr. Agbai Stephen Emele, after what seemed like a thorough scrutiny, Chidinma’s punishment could be way too less than what virtually all and sundry in the country have been speculating.

Late Mr. Asaga Usifo, the CEO of Super TV and wife, Mrs. Brenda Asaga.
Late Mr. Asaga Usifo, the CEO of Super TV and wife, Mrs. Brenda Asaga.

Some say “Chidinma will rot in jail; Chidinma will not see daylight again in her life; Chidinma will die by hanging”; many different ways they speculate through which Chidinma will pay for her crime.

Furthermore, some took to their social media handles particularly Facebook to analyze and criticize Chidinma over the sordid act.

One of such anonymous posts is this:

“I have patiently watched the “confession” of Chidimma Adaora Ohukwu and I must state that I admire the intelligence of the said Chidimma.
Her “confession” so artistically weaves in the defenses of intoxication and self defence.
If the trial judge buys any of the two defenses, she will walk free.
Now, why don’t I buy any of them?

  1. Intoxication is out of it as she was sober enough to:
    A. Remember to change from her blood stained clothes as she left.
    B. Remember to take the ATM card with her
    C. Recall the pin she was told, then walk to the bank and commenced withdrawals.
    D. In fact, if she were intoxicated, she wouldn’t be able to relate in details the alleged happenings thereat.
  2. Self defense is out of it as
    A. her body bears no marks or indications of one who was subjected to some physical struggle as to be in a situation to defend herself.
    B. A struggle that led to the killing of an amateur boxer in a flat could not have began and ended quietly without generating sufficient noise to attract the neighbors.
    C. Such a struggle would also leave evidence of scattered furniture and other items on the scene.
    D. And you see that story of “he forced himself on her”? I don’t know why I’m too pissed off with it to start raising a counter to it.
    She wants us to believe consensual sex wasn’t in their plans as they went together to the rendezvous.
    She was arrested at her parent’s house indicating that she was so unmoved by the act that she quietly returned home to live a normal life as if nothing ever happened.
    I see a premeditated murder with intent to pounce on the loot of the deceased wealth as contained in the bank account she had the ATM card.
    Same was perfectly executed but not successfully covered, hence her plan B of creating a story with the aforesaid legal defenses
    She wasn’t scared enough to even try to go I to hiding.
    Is this really her first murder?
    Has she just told a story or did she really confess??
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Chidinma Adaora Ojukwu
Chidinma Adaora Ojukwu

However, in his article titled:
CHIDIMMA WILL NOT DIE: I can defend her and bget her sentence reduced to less than 10yrs’, Barr. Agbai tried to give insight into the helpless situation Chidinma had found herself, hence her resort for self-defense.

The article read in detail:

“Now, you guys must understand that I am writing this in my capacity as a lawyer. We don’t show feelings in things like this. First, the law does not permit you to kill another. But if enough excuse exists to justify the killing, then you will not be sentenced TO DEATH for murder, but you may go to jail for a few years for manslaughter.

“In this case, Chidimma has two main defences that she can explore. I don’t want to go into the two of them. I want to talk about the defense of SELF-DEFENSE. Yes, self defense can avail her at the trial.

These are my reasons.

The man in question is a 50yr old man while Chidimma is only a tender girl of 21yrs. By merely looking at her, you can recognize that she will be easy to subdue. It is a natural fact that the strength of a man cannot in any way, be compared to that of a woman.

So, after he had “had his way” with her for the first time, which she said she didn’t like and because of that “she stayed on her own”, this man later on came for a second bite. So much like when King Agrippa killed James and saw that the Jews didn’t do anything, he wanted to kill Peter too.

She clearly told him that she wasn’t happy with the first one. She also told him that he had only been using her without helping her. At that point, you can agree with me that she was feeling used, raped and abused. She was feeling cheated on the relationship. And she wanted to stop it, so as to balance the equation.

On his second sex attempt, she told him no. But he wouldn’t take a no for an answer. Then, he bacame violent. Mark the phrase; he became violent.

But then, we must recall that this man did the first sex violently. The girl said that she wanted to resist him in the first one but he insisted “and had his way”. And this is the same formula he wanted to use in this second rape seeing that he got away with the first.

Now, rape is defined in the criminal code as sex without the consent of the girl. Listen o, it doesn’t matter if the person is your boyfriend. The only exception is for married couples. But as long as you aren’t married, it is called RAPE.

Back to the issue.

This man became violent AGAIN. He probably reasoned within him that since she yielded the first time after he “used violence”, that the same formula will apply again. One would even ask; since she is your girlfriend, and you guys rented an apartment just to have exclusive time, why then do you have to use violence to have sex with her?

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So, this 50yr old man then chased her. She ran to the kitchen. The man kept the pursuit. In the kitchen, he grabbed her. But before doing that, the man had locked the door and hid the key.

What does that tell you?

So, he grabbed her by the throat. This did not happen in the bedroom, but in the kitchen. It shows that the girl ran to the kitchen “for safety”. But since he had already locked the doors, she had nowhere else to go.

He then grabbed her by the throat with his 50yr old grizzly muscles. She was screaming for rescue but none came. He pinned her against the wall. She was helpless. Can you picture this scenario in your mind?

A 50yr old man grabbing and pinning this tender looking 21yr old girl, against the wall, in an attempt to RAPE her, not to bless her. I can guess that he was trying to untie his trousers at this time, with one hand.

So, seeing that she was about to be raped again and there is no help in sight, she stretched her hands and it caught a knife. She then stabbed him in the neck.

Now, stabbing someone in the stomach and stabbing someone in the neck region does not mean the same thing. When you stab in the stomach, it showed that your hands had all the flexibility and options to choose where to stab. But when you stab at the neck, it paints the picture of someone that has been denied flexibility and freedom. It means that the man may have suspended her in the air by her armpit and she couldn’t bring down her hands freely.

This shows that this girl was chocked or pinned against the wall by this voracious rapist who wouldn’t take a no for an answer.

And after she stabbed him, that was when he released her. And immediately, he went for the knife, to counter attack. The girl was Wis to have reached for it and stab him again, possibly thinking the initial stab didn’t harm him enough to prevent another chase from him.

Remember, the house has been locked and there was no where of escape. In my mind, she did the right thing by stabbing him again because I am sure he would have chopped her into pieces like onions had he laid hands on her.

Now, the only place I have deep trouble is the fact that this girl still had the tranquility to go to his ATM and withdraw 380k AFTER this miracle. But then, what we are concerned with is what happened at the scene of crime, not after.

God bless you for listening.
Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria.” He concluded.

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