Another spike in Covid-19 cases in EC as national cases reach 4 220

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There has been another spike of Covid-19 infections in the Eastern Cape, with 63 new cases recorded in the province.

In a statement on Friday evening, Health Minister Dr Zweli Mkhize announced that the number of positive cases nationally had increased to 4 220, while the death toll rose to 79 after four more deaths were recorded.

Of the 267 new confirmed cases nationally, 63 of those were detected in the Eastern Cape, a province that Mkhize has been worried about because of the rapid rise of infections.

By Friday evening, the Eastern Cape had 480 confirmed cases, 11% of the total cases in the country.

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News24 previously reported that the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality which has been identified as a major hot spot for Covid-19 in the Eastern Cape. On Wednesday there was 167 confirmed cases and six deaths that were reported in the metro alone.

The Western Cape reported 134 new cases, for a total of 1413 confirmed cases while Gauteng recorded 28 new cases increasing the province’s total confirmed cases to 1 281 cases.

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KwaZulu-Natal total confirmed cases increased 841 after 34 new cases were recorded.

Of the four new deaths, two were recorded in the Western Cape and two in KwaZulu-Natal.

“We convey our condolences to the families of the deceased and appreciate the health workers who treated the deceased parents” Mkhize said.

By Friday evening, a total of 152 390 tests have been conducted which is an increase of 8 820 tests done since Thursday.

Of the 8 820 new tests, 5 412 (61%) were done in the public sector while 3 408 (39%) were done in the private sector.

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