Johnny Depp Joins Instagram With 8-Minute Video: ‘I’ve Never Done Any of This Before’

Johnny Depp Joins Instagram With 8-Minute Video: ‘I’ve Never Done Any of This Before’
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The actor offers words of hope, drops a John Lennon cover and thanks fans for their “unwavering support.”


Johnny Depp is finally on social media.

The 56-year-old joined Instagram on Thursday, racking up over a million followers just hours after sharing his first two posts. The first was simply a picture announcing his arrival and teasing more to come, before dropping an 8-minute video a few hours later.

“Hi everyone,” he began in the video, which appeared to be filmed inside a candle-filled cave. “This is my first experience within the world of social media. I’ve never done any of this before. I don’t think I really ever felt any particular reason to until now.”

“Now is the time to open up a dialogue as the threat of this invisible enemy has already caused immeasurable tragedies and enormous damage in people’s lives,” he continued, referencing the coronavirus pandemic. “People are ill and without care, people are getting sick and fighting for death. People are dying … many are unable to provide for families … some have lost their jobs … businesses … some, far too many, are living on the streets with no protection, no shelter and no option of self-isolating at all.”

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He then urged viewers to “try and help each other throughout these trying times” and stay inside their homes, before adding that, “Through caring, we’ll help each other and we’ll prevail.”

Telling his new audience to stay “close to the ones we love,” he also said “We must not succumb to shutting down and giving in to what feels like hellish quarantine monotony. We need to keep ourselves curious. This time in isolation can be used for great learning.”

Recalling his reaction to his own children telling him they were “bored” growing up, he said he’d tell them “boredom’s not allowed … there’s always something to do.” Depp then listed off a number of time-killing ideas for self-isolation, including reading, filmmaking and making music.

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“Create something today that will benefit yourself and others tomorrow,” he added.

The actor, who also performs with the Hollywood Vampires, then revealed he and Jeff Beck had been working on an album for some time now. He felt now was as good a time as any to release one of the songs they’ve been working on, a cover of John Lennon’s “Isolation.”

Saying it was “especially fitting for what’s happening right now,” Depp said the song was about “isolation, fear and the existential risks to our world.” He hoped fans would enjoy it, “even if it just helps to pass the time.”

He ended his video “on a more personal note,” thanking his fans “for your kindness, your unwavering support and your strength over these years. I’m touched beyond words.”

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