Sh0cking: See Why FG MandatesLinking of Mobile Lines With NIN… Must Read!

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*Linking SIM Cards to NIN will prevent election irregularities and other illegalities … Abia NIMC Boss

The Coordinator, Abia State National Identification Management Commission,(NIMC) says linking NIN With mobile lines will curtail election irregularities, as well as checkmate other illegalities in the society.

Mr. Loveday Chika Ogbonna told FamousReporters, weekend, at his office, in Umuahia, the state’s capital, that the compulsory exercise would also enhance the management of security issues.

According to the Technology Expert, the exercise would pave the way for the conduct of free and fair elections, as no individual, he said, would have more than one NIN.

“In fact, that’s the only way to go; E-voting, smart-voting, to get it right. I’ve seen a situation where one person had three or four voter’s cards but you cannot have two NIN, it’s not possible but if that happens, we know what to do but then it’s usually rare. So, it will help in removing duplications thereby preventing rigging of elections.

It could be recalled that the Nigerian government had towards the end of the year 2020, mandated citizens to link their mobile lines to their NIN.

However, this order has thrown the citizenry into utter wonderment, as they argue the why of the government’s decision particularly the accompanying perceived desperation.

Consequently, many Nigerians have proven deaf ears up until the eleventh hour, consequent on the frightening threat to disconnect unverified mobile lines.

He decried the obstinacy displayed by Nigerians whom he said had from inception, been advised to participate in the enrollment exercise prior to FG’s order.

Mr. Ogbonnan said the organization had existed since the year 2012 across the country.

He regretted that efforts to have citizens obtain the number ‘were like a bucket of water off a duck’s back’.

He said: “I’m not surprised because, sorry to say that we Nigerians, we like to do things at the last minute. Because, this organization has been on since 2012 and we have been hammering on the need for people to get registered at our various centers. But, of course, most of us do not have the time.

“What you’re seeing now is a fall out of government’s recent pronouncement that your phone line should be linked to your National Identification number, (NIN) not the card.
This is to help us manage security issues and a dead line was given for those who already have the NIN.

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On how the exercise would abate insecurity issues, the Coordinator hinted that it would enable security agencies in the country in busting criminals especially Cybercriminals.

He reiterated that the NIN would enable the Federal Government put under check the nefarious activities of terrorists and all manner of social vices.

“The NIN I believe is also what will check terrorism, kidnapping, cybercrime. So, with this, any criminal that knows he’ll always get caught will think twice before going into that crime but when there are loopholes like this, then that’s what happens. If you noticed before BVN, people were doing things anyhow but now with the BVN , even if you have five accounts, they’re all traceable to you. Before now, you can launder money and do all sorts of things, but now you have to curtail it. This is digital identity and that’s the way the world is going.


“Yes, this would help because you discover in most times, you could send somebody to get you SIM cards probably ten SIM cards. And that person goes there and with his or her biometrics is able to pick 10 SIMs and he comes back with. And out of your own magnanimity, you decide to give it to people who you probably don’t know and to the person who registered them.

“And five months or one year down the line, one of the persons you gave it to commits a crime such as kidnapping, robbery or cybercrime. And, of course, they will have to trace the SIM and they have to trace it to that person you sent to buy it. It could be your driver or friend and who obviously doesn’t know what that other guy whom you gave it to has done. But, because his biometrics were detected, you find out you will be dealing with the wrong person and the main culprit is at large causing havoc.

Continuing, he said: “However, when the person knows he can be trapped down to his NIN, he wouldn’t want to do that. This is because he knows that NIN is not something you can get by proxy.

“Government is not bothered about how many SIM cards you have. If you have five, they will all be linked to your NIN. And NIN is what we call a Unique Identifier. It identifies you and is randomly generated. It’s not an intelligent number. No two individuals have the same NIN is for a life time.

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“That is why we say that when an individual grows old and dies, it’s expected that relatives submit the death certificate. And when that is done, we’ll now rest the person’s NIN, that’s we terminate it. This is so that no other person can have it so that  it cannot be issued to another person.”

Therefore, the NIN Boss enjoined Abians and indeed every Nigerian to adhere to the government’s pronouncement, noting that it is in the interest of the populace.

“There’s no need to worry. Abia State does not exist in isolation. We’re conscious of what is happening around us and if you don’t join, you will be left behind. Just like the 5G’syhat are coming out now, if you don’t join, you would notice you are leaving in the stone age.

“We’ve had an instance where people say that this number we’re giving out is the Antichrist number for those of us who are Christians. And I tell them that I don’t know, I only work here and as a Christian, the Bible says the Antichrist number is 666 whereas our own number is 11-digits and it’s not anywhere near that number.

According to him, “these are plans the developed worlds are making to have E- Govervance and make things working to remove ghost system. So, it enables us to be accountable. So, there’s no need to panic; it’s an ongoing thing, it’s not going to end. According to the World Bank, seven million people are added to Nigeria every year.

“Nigerians like it when you give them a deadline so they’ll be in a rush and this is not going to be the only deadline; there will be a deadline for WAEC, JAMB, and also for you as a politician.”

However, he lamented that the agency was faced with striking challenges ranging from insufficient facilities and low manpower which undoubtedly cripple their efforts.

Our Correspondent who visited NIMC state’s office confirmed that the undermanned office works assiduously up until the stroke of 7pm daily.

This is in their bid to register the crowd of persons comprising both old and young, as who usually undergo the process of turntaking.

Meanwhile, FamousReporters gathered that as at the stroke of 4:00am, the NIMC and its environs will have been clustered by early risers, waiting for the office to commence enrollment.

By Famous Reporters


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